Anime Tube’s Kickstarter was cancelled on June 13th, so they can relaunch sometime later, They sent backers the reason why they are reassessing Relaunching
Anime Tube®’s Kickstarter Campaign is Relaunching!
Game Face, LLCCreator
June 13, 2021
We are closing our Kickstarter campaign today, Sunday, June 13, 2021, in order to make some needed changes. Our Kickstarter Relaunch will be launched in the next few weeks (TBA).
Note: Backers, who have already backed us, have not and will not be charged. Therefore, on the 1st day of our relaunch, you will have to re-pledge for your reward(s). Additionally, our original Kickstarter page will still be available for backers to message us and for us to post updates. Lastly, those in MVP Discord will stayin MVP Discord and continue to be privy to inside information first (i.e. info below) from the Anime Tube® Team.
As MVP backers already know, our Kickstarter Relaunch will include a collaboration with MERRYWEATHER COMICS! We have commissioned Merryweather’s team to produce Aimi-chan’s manga (first half of the 1st edition)!!
Check out Merryweather’s amazing work on Youtube:
So don’t miss this incredible collaboration as well as other changes such as lower tier pricing and goals, info on licensing, etc on our new and improved Kickstarter Relaunch!
We greatly appreciate your patience while we tweak our campaign to ensure Anime Tube®’s success!
So what can we asses from this? I can only realize that they were ill prepared for this, and when their contact in Japan came back to them with licensing costs, they balked. My deal is that they are going to have separate kickstarters to get certain titles on the site besides the initial campaign to set up the streaming site. I’d seriously take a wait and see attitude as they seem like they want to do this grand thing, but have no idea as to what it takes to accomplish that goal, hence the relaunch, so be wary if you do decide to back them