posted on 2012-08-28 06:46 EDT
Listed in next Dengeki PlayStation issue, on sale on same Thursday as RPG

posted on 2012-12-25 23:46 EST

posted on 2012-12-27 22:46 EST

posted on 2013-03-30 10:55 EDT
Compile Heart’s RPG characters get animated in summer anime

posted on 2013-05-30 00:08 EDT

posted on 2013-06-19 12:55 EDT
TV anime with original story based on Compile Heart’s game franchise premieres on July 12

posted on 2013-06-23 14:35 EDT
Nao sings for anime inspired by Compile Heart’s videogame-homage RPG

posted on 2013-07-10 17:30 EDT
Afilia Saga sings for anime inspired by Compile Heart’s videogame-homage RPG

posted on 2014-05-12 12:40 EDT
Coming to home video this winter; NISA offers Neptunia: PP game on June 3

posted on 2015-03-06 21:10 EST
2013 anime inspired by game series to ship in N. America on June 9
A CA cast, with a smattering of Funi actresses, under McFarland’s direction?
Titan’s dub leaves me not expecting much from this but it is somewhat interesting. I’ve heard tales of Funi staff managing to whip the LA dubbers into shape for a dub so hopefully I’ll hear the same about McFarland and this.
This does leave me with the fear that Funi will outsource the Blazblue dub and, having played the Blazblue games in English, that’d be a non-starter for me as that was not a good game dub.
It’s the game’s English cast, with a few recasts where the original VA wasn’t available.
(Did the same thing with Bayonetta: Bloody Fate)
Hopefully that will improve the dub. I’m torn on this as if the dub were entirely outsourced then I’d have low expectations for it but with a bit of Funi in this there’s a shot that it could actually be a good dub and I’m getting my hopes up.
The most important factors in the dub are how much “Funimation” will be allowed into the dub and how much “Funimation” McFarland can put into the dub (especially when the deck is stacked against him).
posted on 2015-04-24 15:40 EDT
Melissa Fahn stars as Neptune in series shipping June 9
IMO this kinda makes the case that TX needs to dub J-games, especially if those J-games are likely to end up getting an anime adaptation. Sounds like McFarland didn’t have a firm hand on the tiller with LA voice actors again.
2 eps of the dub release on 5/12, so I’ll have to remember to check those out.
Hyperdimension Neptunia - Official Clip - Welcome to R-18 Island!
Hyperdimension Neptunia – Coming Soon on S.A.V.E.
Hyperdimension Neptunia - The Complete Series - Available Now on S.A.V.E.
posted on 2019-03-30 02:16 EDT by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Original TV anime series aired in 2013
June 26, 2019 1:10am CDT
New episode will start streaming on PlayStation Video on July 8
posted on 2019-07-02 14:28 EDT by Jennifer Sherman
Anime debuts streaming on PlayStation Video on July 8
posted on 2019-07-07 10:55 EDT by Egan Loo
Announced after Frontier Works’ world premiere of OVA at Anime Expo
posted on 2020-08-20 00:29 EDT by Rafael Antonio Pineda
2 compilation anime debuted streaming in Japan in May; Summer Vacation OVA debuted in July 2019
Sep 24th 2020

&posted on 2020-09-24 20:00 EDT by Alex Mateo*
2 compilation anime debuted streaming in Japan in May; Summer Vacation OVA debuted in July 2019
posted on 2021-10-14 23:48 EDT by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Nep Nep Darake no Festival OVA bundled with 1/7th figure next October
December 09, 2021 11:40pm CST
Advance streaming will begin on December 15