Genres: comedy, slice of life Themes: assassins, school Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Sonya is an assassin attending a normal school. Yasuna is an airhead who follows Sonya around, unaware of how dangerous she is. This adaptation of a 4-panel comic focuses on the adorable ultra-violence that erupts when they try to get along. Number of episodes: 13 Vintage: 2012-01-05 to 2012-03-29
Both April and May Sentai solicitations are alreay out and Kill Me Baby isn’t on them.
So if it’s true, maybe we’ll see this pop up at a later date on the Sentai solicitations.
I don’t think so.
For one, this is one of the few recent TBS titles Sentai hasn’t licensed.
For two, Discotek has already stated they don’t have it, and all their license announcements come from their Facebook.
They need to give this, if the dub rumor is true, a Ghost Stories/Milk Chan style dub. Just throw away the original script and start from scratch, they can make Sonya into Golgo 13’s illegitamate daughter - and waky hijinks ensues…
Well it’s not a certainly stretch if anyone has seen ep 48 of Golgo 13…
The plot summary of this seems interesting but the art (BTW the youtube video in the OP is dead) is, ah, not very interesting, shall I say?
I’ll check it out as, like Detroit Metal City(which needs a dub, totally), it could be hilarious despite my misgivings about the art. With a dub it has to be hilarious; I agree that they should make it a comedic dub as we haven’t had one of those since the legendary Guin Saga dub.
Also, a scary thought just occurred to me: Doing like what they did in ICE and having David Wald voice the “Golgo 13” character in this. I don’t think it is a good idea, but they say sharing is a coping mechanism and my subconscious was clearly scarred by the hilarity of ICE… (/sarcasm)
Edit: A real, physical anime magazine still exists (besides Shounen Jump)? I would have thought this impossible!