Latin America subtitles

Hello, I want to know if there are any chances of the simulcast shows licensed for Latin America to have the subtitles without the delay previous seasons had, like Rin-Ne, Norn9, Sakamoto, Flying Witch, etc…


Do you mean Spanish/Portuguese subtitles?


I don’t think so, but I’ll have to ask someone else. I’ll try to have the answer tomorrow morning.


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Hi SDragneel,

We are currently still having internal discussions regarding the timeline for the release of Spanish/Portuguese subtitles for our current simulcasts. I will reach out to you once we have a definitive answer. Thank you and have a great day.

Best regards,
Customer Service Manager

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So it will probably be a delaycast like other seasons =(
Thanks for your answer!

I know that isn’t that answer that you wanted to hear, but you are most welcome!

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