Log Horizon

A ninja can never allow the taking of selfies, especially not the voice of Akatsuki, @jadarade. But maybe Kyle Jones can change all that!



If only someone could ninja my long-preordered copy here already :smile:

Same here.

At long last, one of our copies has shipped.

Queen’s Blade has a later street date yet arrived before Log Horizon even shipped…

Log Horizon’s Akihabara is suspiciously empty. Where the heck is everybody? Dolce knows!


I hear one of my group’s copies of log horizon successfully escaped from rightstuf and made it here, so in the near future I might finally get to experience Sentai’s ultra hyped 2014 title.

It seems so odds to have the feeling that I’ve “missed the boat” by not being able to see the show for so long now even though the show isn’t technically out yet. The way things were going, the is2 DVDs were liable to be here before lh.

From what I saw on my order page, both LH and IS2 should be here whenever RightStuff release them. Both are marked as reserved for my order. (it’s the stuff from January that may delay these two for me)

@shadzar : I just saw eps 1-5 of LH dubbed. Mike Yager definitely doesn’t sound like the Chris Patton-type character. It won’t be too far from the mark to say he sounds like the opposite. Andrew Love makes Naotsugu more respectable and the Saxton worked rather well in this.

Dub MVP so far has to be Jovan Jackson. Casting him as Nyanta the refined, gentlemanly catman was hilariously awesome. Sentai ought to cast him in more stuff IMHO.

Is there some reason that the language in this is so softened? It’s like they channeled the G-rated Stephen Foster on this. I’m not complaining, just intrigued. I liked some of the other Foster-esque insert lines like “It’s Clobberin’ Time!”

I feared content editing of this when I first learned it was NHKE… their educational station that carried this, and when converting it might get the PBS/Seasame Street treatment as being 4kids for kids, not for adults since it isn’t porn.

So sick of the cultural bias in conversions, like 1000-fruit-peach in Momokyun sword sub… jsut call it a name and proper noun and don’t change it, UGGGGGH!

but are you saying the dub doesnt have Akatsuki talking about “kneeing this pervert in the face”?

This show is a good reason why if only the first episode, the dub should be released on TV and online viewing in dub form for a dub before people have to buy it and them stop buying it. That way you don’t put all your eggs in one basket as either the person making it or buying it. You get to see how the dub is with that one free episode as a test drive for the dub before you commit to a purchase.

No, Akatsuki definitely talks about “kneeing this pervert in the face” and the running gag of her asking “Milord” for permission to do so after she has already done so is preserved in the dub. My apologizes for being unclear.

I’m not sure why TAN has decided not to touch this one for now. It is weird that the dub came out so early that it is already “old hat” and we still have 2 weeks until its actual street date. I’m all for early release dates, but perhaps the release date for this one should have been moved up as there might be such a thing as too much “underpromise and overdeliver”.

I’m not sure that one episode is enough to judge this, or most any dub, by. Besides, Nyanta doesn’t show up until a few episodes in and he’s probably the second “make or break” point if you accept Shiroe.

I might be the reason for a quicker release due to my “1000 dollar coins ready to give you” comment on the dub, but I stil ahven’t seen it in any store I frequent yet. MAybe it will be in my area by Xmas.

Shiroe and Akatsuki really carry the show and the proof will come much later than Nyanta when Shiroe is holding the council and stops everyone to explain what he has really done and his intents and “threat” towards Isaac. If it is bad during the explanation of the game world as well, then it would falter. My fear was jsut the main character couldn’t carry a drop of water in a bucket like Hideki in Chobits. The dub was jsut so bad and made me not endeared to him at all and felt sory for Chii.

There is always that one character while a few others can slide. The one will either make or break depending on if the actions, voice, and persona come across. Like walking a tightrope on bamboo stilts that you are using while wearing 8-inch stilleto heels, a very tricky balancing act.

It will come about in time after people get a chance to buy it, then it will stream on ANO for registered. Easily I have already seen mention of at least 5000 sales of the first DVD, and many didn’t care if it was dubbed (I also mentioned sub would be fine, just get a copy into my hands previously as well). But the rumormill churns quick on the internet and various palces may not have actually purchased what they said they did, or could have it on some “lay-a-way” type thing to be sent to someone else as a gift like Amazon does/did.

Also the holiday season, got to have plenty of time for people to get gifts ready and got to print the darn things to make room for other things. What else comes out this holiday season and might be biger so that it merits a street date closer to Xmas? Do we have a December release schedule yet for home video products? Coffee and Slow usually have info somewhere but I cant find it now. Maybe RightStuf has some sale info already somewhere? I am sure Slow will post when it happens and we will have an AHA moment when we see what is released close to Xmas.

Are you talking about the December Slate?

Apparently I am. :laughing: Back in August…wow that was jsut prior to forum swapping so no wonder I missed/lost it!

I see a few things that might needed ore time than LH and might be bigger to release closer to a holiday like LC&OD CE. Big ticket items are always saved for a holiday where people might have extra money to blow on unneccessary things.

Good luck finding it in stores, especially if those stores aren’t FYE/Suncoast (a few still exist lol).

Best Buy claims it will have it on 11/25 and 1/27 for 50 and 40$. which means I can have them order a set to the store and check it beforehand to make sure I don’t hear anything broken inside.

After watching the 1st part collection that came upon my doorstep earlier than i imagined. I LOVE THIS DUB!!! I never got a irk moment when the characters spoke like in Devil is a Part Timer, and the characters with the changes in tones actually fit there character.

I find this to be a good thing now, since I honestly wanted to see what Mike could bring to the table. He sounds more sure in his decisions and brings intimidation in his role during the end of the round table conference at the big twist. But then he changes his demeanor by further explaining his plight. Its just perfect. And overall, it fits Shiroe’s age when you think about it along with Naotsugu.

Andrew Love added a lot of badass to his performance while still being an A list comedy man when speaking quirky lines or, “AWWWW!” yelling when being smashed to the wall by Myriellle’s hugs XD. Shelly Black was gold too given I assumed she was going to be a little to strict in her performance, but I stand corrected!

Jad Saxton was directed perfectly. I REALLY HATE HER IN FUNIMATION DUBS, she is always voicing and sounding as the snarky bitch loli in everything while failing miserably. But with Kyle’s direction, she REALLY toned down on that while being strict in her character role. Yet she still had some snarky remarks that Jad always has, but they fit being minor moments in all.

Now Jovan, BY GOD, Jovan Jackson! This performance should have bombed, IT SHOULD HAVE FAILED MISERABLY! Yet its just too perfect! His performance is a similar opposite to the original japanese, from a old gentlemen. To an old jazz cat gentleman. It comes to show that Kyle and Jovan saw Nyanta as the badass pimp of the whole show. So make him a jazzy pimp with gentlemanly spice. He says specific slang around the ladies while saying, “yeah” and, “Meaw” or, “Nyaa” all in one word in the end of his sentences. Being faithful to the original while still being unique to his performance instead of just saying the award, “nya” which would have made him sound like a weeaboo. But when Demikas was threatening Serara while escaping. Nyanta’s script when challenging him brings a subtle change in demeanor. He uses no slang in his dialog, he talks above demikas in a smart talking gentleman way.

This character and Jovan Jasckons acting with Kyle’s directing got my younger brother hooked on the show. A kid who has little taste in anime, who practically HATES the medium.

There are SO MANY good cast choices.

Greg Ayres as Tohya, he controls his high pitch tone to make Tohya a little more deeper toned. Which brings a tad more maturity in his character, but when he makes new friends and explores his first dungeon. He brings the youthful excitement of a child.

Maggie Flecknoe as Maryielle IS MARYIELLE, she’s crazy, energetic, while still being a good leader alongside Henriette. Plus her moves on Naotsugu feel and sound so honest with her. That I feel like Maggie might try an steal Andrew Love from his wife, Emily Neves XD

Meg Mcdonald as Isuzu is a REALLY different performance compared to her previous roles as the sister loli. Like an younger adult version of Luci Christian.

Tyler Galindo as Rudy, what can you say? He is the most aristocratic sounding VA in anime nowadays XD.

Seeing how there appears to be major changes between the two, it seems I’m going to have to wait about 18 weeks before I can watch it. Not wanting to have two different voices in my head for a series I’m actively watching live.

I’m rather expecting him to be cast as Gilette when Sentai rolls out the dub of Chaika.

I’m still a bit surprised at Shiroe’s age as it is rather rare in anime to have a lead who isn’t a high schooler. Looking at how the dub portrays Shiroe, it would have been typecast-shattering, for Patton, had Chris Patton been cast as him as Shiroe is neither as ostentatious and cocky as humanly possible nor someone who should be featured in the definition of “Angst-ridden”. :wink:

That might be a better approach anyhow as you’ll be able to go through the whole first whatever-you-call-it (season/2 cour/2 seasons) without any delay.

No so good if they (at least in my eyes, but seems unlikely with the way the conversion is going) pulled a GnP style dub, and I want to pull my order for the second half.

Could Log Horizon be…too yummy? Dolce wants to know!

Log Horizon - Too Yummy