Maid Sama! / Kaicho wa Maid-sama!

Episode 4: Okay, I should have seen this coming, they drop a great big clue on you that when the surprise is revealed, you’ll say, oh DUH
 but I think I have a new favorite show.

Ep. 4

When Aoi got embarrassed by seeing Misa change I knew he was a boy. Hope things work out for him. Seeing Aoi fight with Misa about being ladylike was funny. :laugh:

Finished up ep. 04

I have to say, I’m rather enjoying this one so far. It’s definitely got a lot of comedy in it, which I’m perfectly happy with, since that’s what I tend to enjoy most.

Though it does make me wonder how it’s going to work out as 26 eps. of mostly the same concept in each ep.

I’m on episode 10, I think it is. I can tell you right now, it hasn’t run out of ideas to keep it lively and it seems like it has set itself up for many more episodes to come. :woohoo:

FWIW, now that more people have seen episode 4:

I’d bet Aoi is named for Aoi in You’re Under Arrest
 thats what I meant by a great big clue before they ever let you in that Aoi’s a boy.

Yes Rebecca1/2 -

the name did give it away!

Episode 4 –


Aoi walks into the cafĂ© and causes quite a commotion. She’s fourteen, a cute net idol and related to Satsuki. Things get more complicated when Aoi announces that she’s been disowned and she wants to work at the cafĂ©. There is immediate friction between Misa and Aoi and this gets worse when Takumi arrives. Does Aoi really think she can get someone like Takumi?

When the cook can’t come to work, Takumi offers to help out and he’s absolutely amazing in the kitchen. I need one of him in my kitchen! Aoi has even charmed the three idiots, but isn’t having a bit of luck with Takumi. He just isn’t interested. Aoi later sees Misa in her normal clothes and can’t figure out what Takumi sees in her, since Misa doesn’t look cute or feminine. She wants Misa’s secret and can’t believe that she doesn’t have one.

Aoi continues to try to entice Takumi, but to no avail. Takumi has had enough and tries to teach her a lesson, but Misa finds them in a compromising position. She calls Takumi a “sex fiend” and sends him flying. However, I was glad that she also slapped Aoi’s face. She deserved it! Aoi says she just wants to get back at people that laughed at her and when her wig falls off, Misa is not surprised – she already knew that Aoi was a boy. Takumi did too, but Misa still thinks he’s a pervert. Aoi can’t figure either one of them out. They didn’t give the usual reactions of surprise or laughter, but accept him for what he is. In the end, Aoi hasn’t learned a thing, but Takumi thinks she did.

Aoi shows up at the cafĂ© again, but this time as himself. He’s been disowned again and has come to Satsuki for clothes. He’s been wearing her hand-me-downs all this time and Misa discovers he can sew too. But Aoi still can’t stand Misa’s normal look and tries to give her a lesson in cuteness. However, he gives up when he sees how cheap Misa is – a lost cause!

Aoi thinks everyone hates him, but when Misa says she likes him, it scares him and he says he hates her and that she must be a masochist and he’s not into weird stuff like that. Then Misa scares him even more when she stops a purse snatcher and he yells at her for being reckless. However, Misa tells him that this is who she is and Aoi tells her that she will lose Takumi, but Misa says that they don’t have that kind of relationship and Aoi actually ends up feeling sorry for Takumi. It’s so obvious that he likes her and Misa just doesn’t have a clue.

Aoi offers to make Misa some clothes and she doesn’t want him to, but he does make her a cute dress. The dress is so cute that Satsuki is inspired to do a “Lolita” day, but Misa is really uncomfortable. She challenges Takumi to laugh, but he says that she’s cute as well. It’s such a nice compliment, but she still has to call him a pervert and hit him. In the end, it was nice that she and Aoi became friends.


Seen Aoi used in other anime so did not pay much attention to the name.

Aoi Housen - Infinite Ryvius
Jun Aoi - Martian Successor Nadesico
Rokushou Aoi - Naruto
Aoi Matsubara - To Heart

Episode 5 –


Satsuki tells Misa and Takumi that stalkers have been targeting cosplay cafes and tries to get Misa to carry a stun gun. Misa won’t accept it and says she’ll be fine, but Takumi looks doubtful. Besides, the three idiots will protect her which should be a disaster waiting to happen, especially when they decide that Misa really doesn’t need protecting. When Misa was processing the paperwork at school, I thought it was funny that she was working on a computer with a bitten “pear” logo.

I liked her reaction when Takumi came up behind her and blew on her neck, but he’s really looking out for her. I know he’s worried and I saw how he was watching the other customers at the cafĂ©. When Satsuki is delayed, Misa is left alone at the cafĂ© and sure enough gets attacked by the stalker – but it’s Takumi! Misa forgot to lock the back door and Takumi was trying to teach her a lesson. However, Misa just doesn’t get it and tells him to leave.

It’s another night and Satsuki has left Misa alone again. This time she makes sure to lock the back door, but of course those two weird guys that Takumi noticed are the real stalkers and get inside. I know Misa could probably handle one, but I don’t think she could take on both of them. They overpower her and Misa plays along for a while, but shows her true colors just as Takumi is about to rescue her. I think he was a little disappointed that she didn’t need to be rescued as she knocks both stalkers out quite easily. I guess she can handle two at a time!

But it was still sweet of Takumi to worry about her and even break through the glass on the sliding door to help her with no thought to himself. Hysterical that the stalkers wanted Misa to “punish” them! Well, in a way, they did get what they wanted from her. She did hit them after all, but I’m sure it wasn’t quite what they had in mind. It was very funny when Takumi said that he “owned” Misa. What a thing to say in front of her! Naturally, Takumi gets hit. Perhaps he likes to be “punished” as well. He had to have known what kind of reaction a statement like that was going to get from Misa.

However, in the end, Misa surprises Takumi by thanking him and blushing prettily as she does so. Satsuki returns just in time to get the wrong idea, until they point out the broken glass to her. Later, Aoi looked disappointed that Misa didn’t act like a girl during her ordeal, but instead “taught them a lesson” and it was what Aoi expected anyway. I think Aoi gets the last laugh though when Misa is surprised to find out that her picture was taken when she tried on the dress that Aoi made for her and it’s funny that Aoi sets it as the background on Misa’s and Takumi’s phones. Although Misa tries to figure out how to erase it from her phone, I think she’s more upset that Takumi has the picture on his phone – and that he actually wanted it!

Ep. 6


This episode shows why Human cloning is illegal. :laugh:

Misa sure has her hands full with that group. Was a surprise to see Takumi kiss her, proclaim his love and then jump off the roof. She was really scared he would be badly hurt. Think she is starting to like him.

Ep 6

I laughed so hard when Usui said “I pay for her services.” This show has been so funny, I’m usually really hard on anime comedy (especially involving schools) but this show just keeps on getting better and better.

I’m a bit sad that I had no idea that this was on Anime Network, what company is subbing this anime series? I have feeling that since it is being subbed it may eventually get dubbed, and I am not looking forward to that. I have watched up to episode 24 on Youtube. Even though it is fan subbed, I think it is accurate. This series is also a good manga as well, even though the stories are mixed between the anime and manga. Misaki is my favorite character and I’d like to cosplay as her.

Like most TAN shows it’s a Sentai import. (some RSI shows also get run on TAN). When RSI has it on sale it’s not that expensive to just buy it outright - why not do that?

Episode 6 –


This was so funny - Misa gets fans! They are the five Inuyama brothers and call Misa “Mistress” and themselves “the Ayuzawa Cram School”. They admire her as an “ideal school council president” and want to learn from her. The brothers follow her all over and try to walk her home from school, but when she wants to leave them at the train station, it confuses them. Then they realize the rumors are true and that Misa must have a part time job. They admire her all the more for this, but then they want to go with her!

Misa has trouble talking them out of it and the three idiots are useful for a change when they come along and chase the brothers off. However, once they decide to go with Misa, the brothers see this and invite themselves anyway. They give chase, but thankfully, Takumi is there to rescue her once again and ends up going to work with her. He mentions that he has his points. When you collect enough points at the café, you get to play a game and if you win, can have your picture taken with a maid. Of course Takumi wins and it also happens to be Pigtails Day. The picture gets taken and Misa just shudders in misery when the others mention how great it is to be loved by your master.

The next day, the brothers pop up everywhere and don’t give Misa a moment’s peace. They are making her life miserable and she has to run from them constantly in order to get to work. Fortunately, Takumi is always nearby to rescue her again and again. He tells her that she should just stay away from them, but Misa actually likes their dedication and says they make her happy. I don’t think Takumi liked hearing that, but he continues to rescue her everyday. He says that she should just tell them what her job is and Misa explains why she can’t, but Takumi says that she can’t keep running away.

The three idiots finally have all of their points and Shiroyan plays a card game with Misa. Although the poor guy had practiced until his fingers bled, he loses anyway. Besides, Misa has to win. She can’t afford to have any pictures of her dressed as a maid floating around the school. Takumi was the first one to win against her and she wonders what he did with his picture. Satsuki comes up with a Bunny Ears day and wants Misa to say “Bunny-Bunny Misa Hoppity!” while hopping, but she just can’t bring herself to do it. Her co-workers scold her and call her a zombie, which is fine, because I can’t see her doing that either!

Misa even gives her fans some pointers in Aikido and she just doesn’t want to disappoint them, as she thinks she will if they learn the truth of her job. She later talks to Takumi on the roof and tells him that she’s been considering telling the brothers the truth, before they find out another way. However, Takumi tells her that she’s doing it for them and not herself. Misa is just afraid of destroying the image that others have of her and losing their respect. Takumi says that he would never be disappointed in her and a nice moment becomes comical when he shows her his “proof” – the picture he won! Of course Misa freaks out, but Takumi says that it’s his "good luck charm for love”. Misa tries to grab it from his hand and he loses his grip and they both watch as the picture floats down towards the five brothers below.

Takumi sees how upset she is and offers to jump off the roof to get it, but that only upsets her more and she asks why he would do that. He answers her with a kiss and says he loves her just before he jumps! In a panic, Misa runs downstairs and finds him sitting by the pool. He’s alive and well and holding the photo, although his uniform is ruined and he’s full of scratches from landing in the bushes. Misa is so relieved that he’s ok, that she practically collapses.

The five brothers show up and Misa finally works up the courage to tell them the truth, but Takumi saves her a final time by covering her mouth and embarrassing her completely by saying that he pays for her services after school. This really shocked her fans. Does Takumi really think he’s doing her a favor this way? But he finishes his explanation by telling them that Misa is his bodyguard.

Thus Takumi protects her secret, but did he do it for them – or for himself? I think he did it more for himself because when he ends up in the hospital and Misa brings him flowers, he tells her that he doesn’t “want anyone butting in on his enjoyment”. He also doesn’t want her to have any more fans, which she would if others found out she worked in a maid cafĂ©. But it was also really funny that after such a sweet and tender moment on the roof that he would now ask her to take care of him in her maid outfit. Typical. Misa goes running from the room, calling him a “pervert alien freak” and leaving a smiling Takumi behind her. I guess this means that things are back to normal!

Episode 6

This show is quite funny, but I laughed hysterically when Takumi said “I pay for her services.” My new neighbor must think I’m crazy. :blush:

Maid-Sama #14

I wonder how many times Yukimura is going to be forced to dress up as a girl. But after the kiss Usui planted on him, his man-crush might make him want to do it all the time. He does make a cute girl and he is one of my favorite characters of this show.

Ep. 7


Misaki sure looks good in glasses. Takumi telling the other guy to go first in the chess match was an insult. The first player is considered to have an advantage. I like how fast he beat the prep jerk. Takumi sure messed with Misaki in the changing room and that kiss on the male council member. I do think he did that to make her relax. I think he really loves her.

A rather interesting turn of events with the Miyabigaoka Academy Student Council President. Was not expecting him to apologize and then try to recruit her. Even without the personality change in the limo I don’t trust him. I have a feeling he has history with Takumi and this is part of some revenge plan. Also believe Takumi is actually from a rich family based on the ED.

I agree with your theory ShawnMerrow!

Episode 7 –


It’s “Girls with Glasses Day” at the cafĂ©, but Misa can’t concentrate on her work since she keeps thinking about Takumi kissing her and it only gets worse when Takumi actually shows up, causing Misa to run away from him. Poor Takumi doesn’t look too happy with her rejection either and just leaves without saying anything more. But Misa has another problem to deal with. Two of her fellow students hit a student from Miyabigaoka – an elite school that thinks Seika is full of “ruffians” and Misa only proves it true when she beats up her fellow students in trying to get them to apologize. Now, Seika’s image is at stake and she must get the two culprits to make a formal apology.

Takumi pops up again and Misa still feels awkward around him. I think he kissed Yukimura to make her feel better and I think it relieved her to a certain extent, but she still thinks he’s a “sexually harassing idiot”. In Misa’s mind, things are back to normal with the “perverted alien freak” but I feel bad for Takumi. He just looks so down and out. Still, after class, he goes with Misa, and the two guys that have to apologize, to Miyabigaoka and Misa finds out what caused the fight and why the guys feel that they shouldn’t have to apologize.

When they arrive at the school, Takumi looks at it oddly. They find Koganei in the Chess Club room and he expects a sincere apology, but also says that he hates “foolish poor folk” and calls them “insects” – not good things to say in front of Misa and of course she takes offense and demands an apology from him. But Koganei suggests a chess match to settle things instead. Since none of the Seika students know how to play, Takumi says he’ll “give it a shot” but I get the feeling that he can really play and will probably beat the pants off Koganei. In fact, he tells Koganei that he doesn’t have to go easy on him and Takumi wants him to call Misa a butterfly if he wins and not an insect. But isn’t a butterfly still considered an insect? It’s an intense game, but Takumi is very relaxed and looks like he knows exactly what he’s doing. Sure enough, he quickly has Koganei in checkmate.

On the way back, Misa thinks that all the students at Miyabigaoka can’t be that bad and that money must bring problems to people as well. Again, Takumi gets a strange look on his face. Now I really want to know about his background! Meanwhile, Koganei is making a complaint against Seika to his student council president and gets a glass of water thrown in his face. However, a limo pulls up in front of Seika and five Miyabigaoka students exit and seek out the Seika student council. The leader is Tora Igarashi, Miyabigaoka student council president and also heir to the Igarashi Conglomerate. Tora is very charming and apologizes to Misa for Koganei’s behavior, saying that he will be expelled. Misa becomes flustered and thinks expelling Koganei is a little extreme, so Tora asks her to forgive Koganei instead. Misa forgives him and Tora compliments her, but then witnesses her disciplining a student and compliments her again. Then he asks her to join the Miyabigaoka student council! Of course she’d have to transfer and Misa has to tell him that she’s too poor to afford the Miyabigaoka tuition while being extremely confused by his offer in the first place.

However, Tora tells her that all her expenses would be covered and this is starting to sound very suspicious. Tora kisses Misa’s hand, telling her that he’s serious about the offer and to think about it. He compliments her work with the school in making it a better place and even Takumi looks suspicious of his motives at this point. I wonder why he didn’t step in and say something. Once back in the limo, Tora turns into a completely different person and tells Maki to keep an eye on Misa. What is he after? And he’ll probably find out about Misa’s job too!

It’s “Cross-Dressing Day” at the cafĂ© and no men are allowed, leaving the three idiots outside trying to see in. Misa makes a cute guy and she’s happy that it’s a ladies only day. Takumi is working the kitchen again and she tells him that she’s a “man at heart” and thinks she’d get along with guys better if they were more gentlemanly. Takumi mentions himself and when Misa disagrees with him, he brings up Tora’s name and looks a little jealous, but I think he ruffled Misa’s feathers a bit too.

Later, Misa is in the changing room, thinking that girls are cute and perhaps she should continue wearing men’s clothes, but some of her customers mentioned “dominant one” and “receiving end” and she is absolutely clueless as to what they meant. And Takumi is right there, shirtless and offering to tell her what it means! He tells her to go ahead and change since it’s “just us guys” and Misa becomes ill at ease. Takumi backs her into a locker and tells her to go ahead and strip or that maybe he could do it for her. He did it to prove that she really is just a girl at heart after all and also to show her what being a “dominant one” means. But this is the final straw for Misa and she gets mad at Takumi, saying that she wants nothing more to do with him. Does this mean that she might consider Tora’s offer just to get away from Takumi for good? At Miyabigaoka, Maki makes his report to Tora and now he knows all about Misa and her job. Tora says that he’ll be planning something special to welcome Misa. I wonder how all this will turn out. And I’m sure there may be some blackmail involved too!

Episode #15


Ha, Usui was expecting something different than what Misa sent him on that episode. Though, the ending was nice, just shows you that she is starting to like him more and more. I’m also starting to feel sorry for Yukimura, being dressed up like a girl near every episode now and getting miss taken for a girl is just terrible, the torment he must go through. Can’t wait for the next episode.

Episode 8 –


Maki arrives at Misa’s house bearing gifts from Tora, but Misa tries to decline the gifts as well as the invitation to go to Miyabigaoka. However, there is now the added incentive to allow her sister to also attend the school and Maki gives her three days to decide “favorably”. When Suzuna walks in, she thinks the guys are the next version of the Ayuzawa Cram School and Misa just can’t convince her otherwise.

Misa has a big decision to make about her future and while some of the students would like to see her leave, the majority feels that Seika still needs her. I like how Yukimura gets all flustered when Takumi enters the Student Council Room; he must be remembering that kiss! But Takumi ignores him and asks Misa what her decision is going to be. She still seems unsure, but tells him she’d like to be free of him. By now, the entire school wonders what her answer will be and Takumi does not look happy and even absents himself from the cafĂ©.

On the third day, Misa goes to Miyabigaoka to give Tora her answer and her classmates get together to go after her. While meeting with Tora, Maki spills the drinks all over Misa and I’m sure it was on purpose. She is shown where to take a shower, but afterwards her uniform is missing. Tora says that her uniform was sent out to be cleaned and a replacement was left for her. However, Misa feels the replacement is a little too revealing, but Tora coaxes her into wearing it and it turns out to be a maid’s outfit!

Tora tells her that it suits her and then shows her a picture of herself at the cafĂ© in her work clothes, telling her that she’s “interesting”. Misa can’t get out; all the doors are locked and are being guarded on the outside. Tora now expects Misa to entertain him, offering her money before attacking her, thinking she is just like all of his other girls. But he is taken aback when Misa calls him “pathetic” and that it was her intention to refuse his invitation to Miyabigaoka all along. Yet, Tora still has her at a disadvantage and she isn’t strong enough to get out from under him. Things don’t look good and in a final moment of despair, Misa whispers Takumi’s name. Suddenly, there he is, kicking in the door! Took him ling enough! And why is he wearing a Miyabigaoka uniform jacket?

Takumi beat up all the guys guarding the doors and doesn’t look too steady on his feet when he enters the room. But still, I bet Misa is glad to see him! He calls Tora a “perverted man-child” and pretty much tells him that Misa is his, as he pulls her up from Tora. But doesn’t he even punch Tora for touching his Misa? I thought he would, because I don’t think Tora would get the message any other way. However, Takumi just leads Misa from the room and Tora lets them go, but Misa stops and turns back to Tora, telling him that she will be expecting a formal apology. Tora seems surprised, but then he gets a calculating look on his face that I don’t like at all. Takumi really should have punched his lights out!

Misa asks Takumi what he was doing there and he tells her that she called his name. Misa is flustered by this and is probably trying to figure out how he could have possibly heard her whisper his name. But Takumi hugs her and tells her that she did well, which provokes an angry response from Misa and she pushes him away. Now, why should she be angry with him? But that is the exact response Takumi expected, although she also thanks him, which makes him a little surprised and a lot pleased. He gives her back her uniform and as they leave Miyabigaoka, Misa is surprised to see her classmates waiting for her outside. They are all really happy to hear that Misa is not leaving Seika. Back in his office, Tora still thinks that Misa is “interesting” and I’m sure he won’t be giving up on her that easily and will be popping up again. But I’m also sure that Takumi won’t be too far away!

Episode 9 –


Another hysterical episode! It’s a parody of a folk tale – Momotaro / Peach Boy. Misa is the lead, but everyone is in it as Takumi tells the story that becomes a jumble of other stories. The three idiots are funny as a dog, a monkey and a pheasant. Takumi puts himself in the story too as a circus owner. But it’s funny that Misa is playing a boy demon hunter.

The village that they visit is Seika and is all male, since the demons stole all the women. From the looks of things, the high school was probably like this before Misa came along. Even Misa’s sister makes an appearance and is still a sweepstakes queen. Misa also doesn’t trust Takumi in this story either and thinks him suspicious.

The pirate ship they encounter is Miyabigaoka and Tora is the captain who thinks they’re “interesting”. Takumi saves Misa from Tora again and even binds her hurt wrist. I like how he calls her “Boss” instead of “Ma’am” but it makes sense since Misa is supposed to be a boy. They finally make it to Demon Island and Misa dons a school uniform to blend in, but the uniform is a maid outfit. The cave where the girls are being kept looks more like a maid cafĂ© and all Misa’s co-workers are there.

It turns out that the girls chose to be there and are part of a “maid harem” and Misa was right to be suspicious of Takumi because he’s the demon! They call Takumi a “good man” and Takumi can only complain that his house has been taken over. Misa is revealed to really be a girl and Takumi asks her for a date, but she thinks he’s a pervert.

Well, I thought all this was all a dream, but it turns out to be a story that Takumi made up and is making Misa listen to in order to relax. However, from the way Misa is reacting to it, I don’t think she’s getting much stress relief. And knowing Takumi, there’s probably a subliminal message to get Misa to go out with him!