Genres: comedy, romance Themes: after school club, androphobia, cross-dressing, fanservice, Harem, moe, s&m, tsundere Objectionable content: Significant Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2010-10-02
Plot Summary: High school student Taro Sado comes to realize that he is an extreme masochist and attempts to conceal this from his crush. To fix his problem, he enrolls in his school’s “2nd Volunteer Club”, where Mio Isurugi and the other members attempt to cure him through various “training” regimens.
The music for all three OP’s are the same there is just a slight change to the animation art. Put 2 and 3 in spoilers so they did not make the First post look cluttered as much. Took a while to find clean versions. It’s a damn catchy tune.
I love this show, and would love even more to get it. It was really lovely, hilarious, and cute. :3
Though, I might want to wait and see if I can get it at my Suncoast instead. It would be very awkward for me to have to order it online and have my parents deny it due to the content.
Wow…that character art on the back cover…that’s enough to get any US fan onto a certain registry for sure. More importantly, it just doesn’t appeal to me. Sometimes it sucks being the outlier lol.
Did Sentai draw straws for who had to direct the skeeviest stuff and Swasey drew the short one? This makes 2 o.0 shows for him, at least.
This canonly be great, especially since Monica Rial has been exponentially more awesome lately (greatness on an unprecedented scale) so I’m anxious to check it out.