Maison Ikkoku

Genres: comedy, drama, romance
Themes: boarding house
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Godai is a ronin (someone who has failed university entrance exams) living in a run down apartment house called Maison Ikkoku. Among the other residents are the nosy Ichinose, the sexy Akemi Roppongi, and the mysterious Yotsuya. The others are given to having wild parties which makes it difficult for Godai to study. Into this mayhem comes the recently widowed Kyoko as the new live-in manager. Godai falls for her, but doesn’t have the nerve to tell her. As time passes, their relationship slowly develops amid life at Maison Ikkoku, despite all sorts of romantic hurdles.
Number of episodes: 96
Vintage: 1986-03-26 to 1988-03-02
ANN Info Page
Maison Ikkoku: Kanketsuhen (movie) Vintage: 1988-02-06
Maison Ikkoku: Through the Passing of the Seasons (special) Vintage: 1988-09-25
Maison Ikkoku: Shipwrecked on Ikkoku Island (OAV) Vintage: 1991-01-31
Maison Ikkoku: Prelude, When the Cherry Blossoms in the Springtime Return (special) Vintage: 1992-06-25
Probably my favorite anime. Generally it’s a romantic comedy but it does have some action here and there. The characters are all very entertaining and it’s really easy to get attached to them. It runs 96 episodes and all 8 dvd box set’s as well as the manga are out by viz.
Though besides for a few, I haven’t met to many people that have actually sat down and watched the anime. So if any of you have, I’d love to hear your opinions. 
All 8 Box sets are out of print. From what’s been said Viz may not do another run and the later sets are near impossible to come by at a reasonable price 7 & 8 tend to go for 150.00 and up each. The first 3 sets actually hit B&M retail so they are easier to find but they were not a huge seller and sets 4-8 which are harder to find were only available exclusively through Viz’s online store and TRSI (There was one or two other shops that bought them from those two but the deal was really only them). Us that have all 8 should count ourselves lucky they even finished from what it sounds like.
It’s been to long since I’ve watched to give a accurate opinion.
I’d rather Viz give up the license to somebody that is willing to give the show another run. This seems like something I’d like to watch.
I’ve watched the first three sets earlier in the year, but then I ran into that elusive box set 4 and couldn’t find it anywhere.
From what I watched though, I really enjoyed the story. I just wish that I could the other sets and finish it!
Yeah, everything has been pretty hard to find. Luckily I managed to snag all the manga and dvd box sets a year back. I’ve seen volume 8 box sets go for some pretty insane prices on ebay. Though I’ve seen plenty of them around where I live at numerous best buys and Saturday matinees. Though my friend who’s been collecting them as well has had more trouble locating volume 6 then any other. I loved the series and I think it would be great if viz gave up the license and someone else released it. Then there might be the chance of having all the specials and movies released that viz never did. Though realistically, I doubt that would ever happen. But I can always dream.
June 20, 2015 11:26am CDT
Set includes 3 OAVs and 1 theatrical film, first run includes “Piyo Piyo” pass case
August 23, 2016 9:49pm CDT
Re-broadcast on Chiba TV will feature all 96 episodes of the 1986 - 1988 TV series in an HD remastered format
If you missed out on the manga the first time around Viz is re-releasing the Maison Ikkoku Manga in a collectors edition format.
Right Stuf Listing for Vol 1:
If it does well you can bet they’ll do something similar and release the Anime adaptation on Blu-Ray, like they did with Ranma and are now doing with Inu-Yasha
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Picked up another Maison Ikkoku Otonashi Kyouko F:Nex 1/7 Scale Shiromuku. This time with a box that was not in the best of shape. So opened her up.