[quote]Genres: comedy, romance Themes: ecchi, harem, parody, robot girl, school Plot Summary: Tanaka Tetsuro is excited at getting a full scholarship at a new high school, far away from his family. What he does not know is that he will be the only boy in an all girl school, and that there is a girl head-over-heels in love with him, waiting for his arrival. But his special friendship with the very cute and dynamic Asuka also causes him to get into a lot of trouble with the powerful student council leadership, as they are at open war with Asuka and her five friends, a group of super amazon warriors called the Koi Koi Seven. Number of episodes: 13 Vintage: 2005-04-03 to 2005-06-26 [/quote] ANN Info Page
So now I’m curious about this.
I looked on RSI and there’s no DVDs to be found on there, and all Amazon has is imports.
Is ADV going to be releasing this on DVD some time in the future (unspoken license acquisition), or is this just a VOD deal with Enoki Films?[/quote]
Just a VOD deal this and Izumo: Flash of a Brave Sword no one ever picked up.
Maybe if they do well here ADV would consider it.
Other important thing is both series have never been shown in full legally here.
[details=spoiler]This was a fun series, though the ecchi was way over the top most of the time.
The last episode annoyed the hell out of me though.
So episode 12 ends all dramatically with a cliffhanger of sorts, and yet, episode 13 rolls around and completely changes gears back to the fun loving Koi Koi Seven/Gokoh Five battling, ecchi beach style, with barely a brush mention about what happened in the end of the previous episode.
It’s like they completely forgot about what they were building up to for the plot and decided to go back to the fun part of the story, and in mid-production of the last episode, they finally remembered where they were and decided to throw in a little 30-60 second vague flashback which failed miserably at explaining what happened. Not to mention, ending this episode with an abduction that makes absolutely no sense, and doesn’t even have a rhyme or reason for being in the story at all.[/details]
From what I’ve seen, yeah, you’ll probably like it.
It has a plot of sorts, but it’s basically a fluffly ecchi for ecchi sake, with mechs, guns/rpgs/lasers, and ass kicking girls using them all.
Bringing back this thread from pages back, mainly because I saw the first two episodes just now.
Anyway, this show is pretty much what happens when uber-fanservice mixes with the harem genre and has an extreme case of ADD… And yet it’s actually enjoyable, even though it more than likely shouldn’t be. I am honestly and amusingly surprised by this title. If Sentai was the release this show on DVD I would honestly consider buying it. Of course, watching this show just makes me wish that TAN had more of Enoki’s unlicensed titles streamed with English subtitles, like Jibaku-kun -Twelve World Story-, Captain Tsubasa Road to 2002, and the J9 mech anime series (Braiger, Baxinger, and Sasuraiger).