My sketches

I’m gonna have to disagree with your teacher Timber. The color added a lot.

Nice ones Timber!
I disagree with your teacher as well. I like the color one too. :slight_smile:

I enjoyed the color as well. With your take on Pandora’s Box, I at first thought the strange monkey was a demonic form of Stich from Lilo & Stitch. If you color it, I suggest a nice green for the strange monkey.

Thanks, guys! Since you like the color ones better, I shall work on a few pics with color specially for this thread, tykes!

Gentay- You know, I thought the exact same thing when I was finished with it. :slight_smile:

Here’s the female lead for Amket’s story, Cinny. You’ll notice similarities with her equipment. I’ve added a bio in the spoiler tag if you’re stumped, tykes.

Cinny is another character for one of my stories. She finds Amket as he falls from the sky. Despite her wild, yet kindhearted ways, Cinny is a total pyromaniac. To suppress her feelings for fire, she sets off fireworks, rockets, and the like…

Theme song- ‘Tumbling Xylophone’ From Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg soundtrack (I might change it, the song doesn’t fit her as much…:stuck_out_tongue: )

I made this one for a friend, but I think that I made her a little skinnier than usual…

She’s really cute - not too skinny at all. Love the bow - nice touch - and I like her bio too!

Thanks, tykes! I want to add bios for the earlier characters, but it might take a while…

I also want to do a Timber picture as well, noting the fact that everyone’s up here but him… XD

Here’s my next (And maybe last) work for my portfolio, tykes!

The big one with the missle in its head is called the Unfortunate Accident, while the small creatures are the Unfortunate Results. I really want to change the names, so if you can come up with better ones, that’ll be cool, tykes!

I really like this one! :laugh:

Theme song- ‘Toppling March’ From the Mother 3 Original Soundtrack

And, in case I dont say it later on… Happy Halloween! (tykes!)

Really nice. Love the color - it makes the details stand out more.
Happy Halloween to you as well. Hope you can come to our party! :slight_smile:

Thanks again, tykes!

More work from the portfolio, turned in my first quarter Friday. >.>

My teach suggested I get into works with pen/ink, so I did my Clothdemon over again…

Nice! Like the detail. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! I have to remember to comment back more often, tykes! :side:

Here’s the Bread Mushroom Kinght from the monster sketches from earlier before…

Theme song- Dont…really…know… >.>

Is this pen/ink too? Again, great detail! Love the sword and shield. :slight_smile:

Thanks again, tykes! I think that I’ve been getting better with it… more progress will b e shown here, of course!

Here’s a picture of Timber w/ Toon Link, tykes. TL’s hands are WAY too big, I kinda did that on purpose, though… XD

Timber is the MC of one of my stories and is armed with the shadow glove on his right hand. He’s my alter ego, but only because we abuse the human language with our own language so much… (tykes, tykes)

Theme Song- ‘Tricky Sister Girl (SUCH AN AWESOME TRACK!)’ From the Air Gear Soundtrack

Nice! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Timber wrote:

[quote]Thanks again, tykes!

More work from the portfolio, turned in my first quarter Friday. >.>

My teach suggested I get into works with pen/ink, so I did my Clothdemon over again…[/quote]

This would look good on a shirt

Funkgun wrote:

[quote]Timber wrote:

[quote]Thanks again, tykes!

More work from the portfolio, turned in my first quarter Friday. >.>[/quote]

My teach suggested I get into works with pen/ink, so I did my Clothdemon over again…This would look good on a shirt[/quote]

I agree. I would buy one of those lol XD

LadyOfWicca: Thanks, tykes! Timber & Toon Link is actually a work in progress,; I’m going to try and draw a town behind it, so I’ll post it at a later date.

Funkgun and Kazuma_909: Thanks! I didn’t actually think it would, but even a friend from school said the exact same thing, tykes!

Here’s another one of my portfolio works, and it helped me out a lot with getting used to pen/ink. It’s my most favorite piece so far, tykes.

The creature’s name is in progress (I’m calling it Egoscooter for now, tykes…), so, like before, if anyone can come up with a good name, I’d gladly appreciate it, tykes!

Theme Song- ‘Shebat, The Wind is Calling’, From the Xenogears Soundtrack.

Also, the reason why the pic is to one side is because of my inexperience with te scanner. When I see my dad again, I’ll fix my problem, tykes. :side:

I’m not good with names, but I think you one you’re using is fine. Again, I love the detail! And the faces are really cute! :slight_smile: You are definitely doing well with pen & ink!

THanks tykes! I noticedthe value with it- more light and dark, but no light, medium, and dark. So I’ll have to work a little more, tykes…

Either way, I’ve been working hard regardless. This is my friend’s original character, but I decided to draw him out. His name’s Monarch.

I’m improving-somewhat XD- with hands, and my drawing method works well with an anthro character, or that’s what I think, tykes…

I think it looks great!! :slight_smile: