Opening vs. Ending

:laugh: :laugh: You would Red!

I vote for the OP.

Red did you have a problem seeing the songs I posted? Sorry about that. :frowning:

Opening for me. :slight_smile:

Not yours, the post right before mine from looked like it had stuff left out.

Iā€™d have to agree with redshirtā€¦ I vote ending.

So thatā€™s two for the OP, two for the ED-a tie!

Next up: Mysterious Girlfriend X
Koi no Orchestra (ꁋ恮ć‚Ŗćƒ¼ć‚±ć‚¹ćƒˆćƒ© / Orchestra of Love) by Ayako Yoshitani
Hōkago no Yakusoku (ę”¾čŖ²å¾Œć®ē“„ęŸ / Afterschool Promise) by Ayako Yoshiyani

Itā€™s a tough decision, but Iā€™m going with the ending on this one.

I fell in love with the opening the first time I heard it in episode 2, so Iā€™ll go with that.

On a side note, am I the only one that tries to image the drool on the lemon in the OP as syrup or something? Maybe now that Iā€™ve said it, Iā€™ve convinced someone who hasnā€™t watched MGX to think that now. :laugh:

I think I shall also vote for the opening! :3

Looking back at it, her post did look strange. Believe me Iā€™ve seen so many head scratchers as of late itā€™s giving me a headache.


Iā€™ll have to say ending.

I did say it was a tough decision. I actually love both equally. Itā€™s just that the ED has a nice, bouncy feel to it that makes it a perfect ending song.

And here I thought it was honey (honey and lemonā€¦). :pinch: :blink: :ohmy: :blush:

@Newshawk - Itā€™s only an assumption on my part. You could be right.

Opening: 2
Ending: 2

Itā€™s a tie!

Next series: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Opening: Bouken Desho Desho?

Ending: Hare Hare Yukai

You may have to let the videos load a bit before you watch them. Yes, I know Iā€™m evil for picking these two songs. :evil: Anyway, Iā€™m going to pick the opening before I change my mind.

I think I will vote for the ending. :3


Ending for me.

Congrats Shawn on 4000 posts! :slight_smile:

@Mystic RE: Mysterious Girlfriend X Open: I actually think youā€™re correct-I didnā€™t make the association at first.

As for the Haruhi songs, I think Iā€™ll vote for the open, too.

Also, congrats to Shawn from me also for hitting 4K posts.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Nice on the 4000. I would say Ending for Haruhi.

Kuroko no Basuke/Kurokoā€™s Basketball

Opening: Rimfire

Ending: Catal Rhythm

I will cast my vote for the opening. :3

I will take the ending.

Iā€™m going to play a little fast and loose with this, because Iā€™m not pairing up the openings and Endings for this show, since there were 3 different of each. With that said:

Kimagure Orange Road

Opening #3

Actress in the Mirror

Ending #1

Natsu no Mirage (Summer Mirage)

*Just a note these are my favorite opening and Endings from the TV Show itself. I like the ending from one of the OVAā€™s better which is this one:

OVA Ending #1

Tokidoki Blue

  • I like how it goes full circle and the song is great imo. Itā€™s also interesting to me as it shows how some girls / women can pull of everything from cute to pretty to sexy (which Madoka can)*

Historyā€™s Strongest Disciple Kenichi

Opening 2: Yahoo!

Ending 3: Run Over

Personally I like the opening n_n