Genres: comedy, tournament Themes: bishounen, school, sports, tennis Objectionable content: None Plot Summary: Echizen Ryoma is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former pro tennis player. He joins the Seishun Gakuen junior highschool, one of the best tennis schools in Japan, and there along with his teamates he learns to find his own type of tennis in an attempt to defeat his biggest obstacle of all: his father as well as himself. Number of episodes: 178 Vintage: 2001-10-10 to 2005-03-30
Genres: tournament Themes: tennis Plot Summary: The Seigaku tennis club has been invited to train at the U-17 (Under 17) camp. Seigaku is one of the 50 middle schools invited and must compete with high school players to prove they are just as good. Number of episodes: 13 Vintage: 2012-01-04
Plot Summary: When tennis phenom Ryoma Echizen is kicked out of Japan’s elite U-17 training camp for breaking the rules, he’s despondent. But a stroke of good luck hits when he’s able to try out for the U.S. team. Proving himself against their hardened veterans isn’t going to be easy, and if he is accepted, he’ll have to play against his former friends. Number of Episodes: 13 Vintage: 2022-07-06
maybe i am the only one that likes the Seigaku tennis players cause i dont see a thread for this series at all…
was watching the naruto episodes on a site that maybe not to mention on here, since i dont know what to mention or not, but i think they are a legal site with sorta simulcasting…anyway…
i noticed the New Prince of Tennis and it seems to be a 2012 release. good to see Ryoma, Viper, Momo, and the rest of the gang back at it. wish this has gone farther than CN took it.
good shows like this that aren’t focused on T&A not appearing in the US or being popular must mean that the NA market is still “mada mada dane”…
and i didnt even see a topic here about this, and dont think it is something TAN has or ever had so this should be the right place for it.
It was Viz that released it here. Well the first 50 episodes. Sales were really low and ratings were to . They got up to 50 episodes on Toonami Jetstream and for DVD releases. The new series is on Crunchy so. It’s all sports shows that don’t do well here. No one really knows why they just don’t.
probably because how drawn out they are for many, and the fact NOBODY ever finishes a series like prince of tennis. whow ants to buy an incomplete collection and half a story?
Hikaru No Go actually went all the way through and was a good series.
maybe the lack of females in many of the sports shows cause the lull in viewers? sad there are some good ones out there.
Well, I loved the original series but am not a big fan of the new one. There’s a couple reasons for that. One being that there isn’t even a lot of tennis. Matches were even cut, apparently. Not that you can even call what’s going on tennis anymore. It has been a little out there for a long time but it’s a bit much now. All the new stuff seems a little one dimensional. Also not sure how well it meshes with the rest of the series.
As for sports series in general, I usually like them anyway. Can’t think of one I don’t like off hand other than The Knight in the Area. Stopped watching that after the third episode and will probably never touch it again. Usually like game series (like Hikaru no Go) as well. Haven’t managed to get past episode 8 of Cardfight!! Vanguard, though, it was just too dull.
So they can’t just let it die, they have to drag it across the ground for 2 years or more? This is becoming pathetic like American TV the way things are being done. This is pretty much like Bleach and Inuyasha (which I still haven’t seen the ending of!). Can anyone in this world finish what they start?
Ryoma is old news, now it is all about Maruo. Too little too late for me!