Samurai Girls/Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls & Samurai Bride

Good stuff, good stuff. The art style is quite unique. I don’t expect a very deep plot with this series, but it should be fun.

Sankakucomplex agrees, with a posting that includes uncensored screencaps from an advance preview.

Warning: the site is extremely NSFW. Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls Ero-Anime Extreme – Sankaku Complex.

I finished the first episode I like it so far the animation style is a little odd ,but I like it. Not much really got done so can’t really make an assessment on it at this point.

This part made me laugh out loud.

Samurai Girls, Ep 2, is live at ANO

Just finished up the second episode, gotta say it is becoming a very nice action series, but there is just one thing I can’t get use to… The main characters face. It is just so… So… I can’t explain it, but it’s driving me nuts.

It’s a good thing that these eps. stay on the player and are not like TV premieres, I would have missed both eps, since the simulcast time is very awkward to my sleep schedule, which in itself, is very awkward.

Finished up ep. 02

After watching the first ep a few times, I got use to the art style, and I have to say, I really like it. It is kind of distracting though, particularly during fast paced parts, however, the art concept in itself is rather awesome.

I especially liked the art in the part in ep. 02, when Jubei starts walking in the air during the fight with Hanzo, she stepped up on ink splats. I really like that little touch.

I just wonder if some of the ink splats will remain once it hits dvd?

Samurai Girls, Ep 3, is live at ANO

Samurai Girls, Ep 4, is live at ANO

Noticing not a lot of discussion going on for this show. I’ve been busy during the weeks so not been able to post much or watch the episodes later in the week but I thought their be some discussion at least.

I’m still trying to figure it out. The series seems to be doing an extended set-up-I feel like I’m just beginning to get to know the characters and what’s going on. It is getting more interesting with each episode, however.

After that 4th episode it seemed a bit odd to me…
(big spoiler for ep 4)


The whole making the lolicon like him was a bit odd for me, I was hoping she would have disappeared after that 3rd episode, especially with her being the stereotypical shy lolicon. It didn’t seem to fit her character they had built her up as at all, which kinda killed a bit of the humor for me, but we shall see what happens next, it does seem to be getting rather interesting with the whole any girl he kisses turns into a master samurai.

i like to see where it goes too all we can do is wait

Samurai Girls, Ep 5, is live at ANO

Samurai Girls, Ep 6, is live at ANO

Parts of ep. 06 were just funny as hell.

Looks like we’re starting to see a deeper plot now along with some good team work to get the monster defeated.

Samurai Girls, Ep 7, is live at ANO

I will say, I have never had the problem that Muneakira faced in episode seven.

I have never had a woman try to tuck it in for me. Sad panda, but with that girl it might have been very bad if she succeeded.

Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls’ 1st Popularity Poll Held

posted on 2010-11-24 23:58 EST
Kanetsugu Naoe, Jubee Yagyu, Sen Tokugawa are fans’ favorite characters

That’s my girl! :woohoo: