(Sarcasm )

Lets all repeat what we do every few days. I’m positive this makes us look awesome and elite not like a bunch of jackasses.

LOL :smiley:

I can’t help it man, I’ve got Animal Behavior on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! The cycle consumes me.

You take an odd assortment of courses. What’s your major?

I repeat what I do EVERY day.

Slowhand wrote:

you need more spice in your life, Slow

(we’ll talk later, away from teh kiddies))

outlander wrote:

[quote]Slowhand wrote:

you need more spice in your life, Slow

(we’ll talk later, away from teh kiddies))[/quote]

I’m all ears. Do I need to show ID ?!

VercigenariX wrote:

I can’t go into details, but it involves black leather, whips, whipped cream and several wild ferrets

outlander wrote:

[quote]VercigenariX wrote:

I can’t go into details, but it involves black leather, whips, whipped cream and several wild ferrets[/quote]

You don’t have to tell him everything!! :stuck_out_tongue:

outlander wrote:

[quote]VercigenariX wrote:

I can’t go into details, but it involves black leather, whips, whipped cream and several wild ferrets[/quote]

No need to be shy. I figured out what you plan to do with Slowhand…

Obviously you’re going to make her use the black leather to put one big saddle on top of all the wild ferrets so that they can carry her around. The whipped cream will be the ferrets reward for doing a good job !

Ferret powered transportation is a great hobby!

outlander wrote:

Biology with a pre-med concentration. Got a chemistry minor too.

I take all the fun classes!

DOCTOR Hentai??!!

Oh! lordy…

Somehow, that just sounds… wrong. And yet, lustful. (In a manly way, of course.)

Be sure to tune into ABC to view the new hospital comedy-drama “Dr. Hentai”, starting February 21, at 8/7c!

First Episode “Penis goes where?”

Dr. Hentai makes a mistake in an amputation surgery

co-staring Wolfo as the gruff mentor and Rai as as a now sexully confused paitent and Spazzyspam as the medical insurance bastard

Lurve you guys!