Looks like Edda’s little adventure Calgary, turned up a secret guest star in season 2.
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]u0hDuxBNGyg[/video]
Looks like Edda’s little adventure Calgary, turned up a secret guest star in season 2.
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]u0hDuxBNGyg[/video]
[size=5]News from the set of Standard Action Season 2 Shoot day 2[/size]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]4UFN_R-8Btc[/video]
[quote]Standard Action
A new episode of Video Free Skaro with some BTS from Warren’s visit to Standard Action’s set! [/quote]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]hxgnKkymWRk[/video]
[quote]Standard Action
Got the first look at our new Standard Action villain yesterday at our biiiiig forest shoot day yesterday! I cannot WAIT until you guys get to see what we’ve put together for you. Seriously.[/quote]
[size=6]Fan Supported dot Net[/size]
“Fan Supported And Creator Distributed”
ZOE started up a new site, geared towards buying products that are “fan supported”.
The list of stuff is short currently, but they’re planning on getting more creators involved.
[size=5]S.J. Tuckers CDs
Standard Action S1
JourneyQuest S1
The Gamers: Dorkness Rising
Aiden5 S1[/size]
[quote]Standard Action
Episode 5 and Random Encounter footage in the can today! Fantastic work by everyone involved, and beautiful, very un-Standard-Actionish weather. We’re not complaining!! :)[/quote]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]fXg3HLl_mT0[/video]
Looks like SA is doing their part in promoting the Kickstarter for the new Gamers movie!
[quote]Standard Action
Help out our friends at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, and be a part of making Gamers 3 happen! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zombieorpheus/the-gamers-hands-of-fate
[quote]Standard Action
Standard Action Behind-the-Scenes with Warren at Video Free Skaro![/quote]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Z1wxRPRiuDA[/video]
Looks like we’ll get the S2 teaser episode soon!
[quote]Standard Action
The Standard Action team had a fantastic time at PAX this year! Lots of pictures taken, games played, and new friends and fans met. Our panel on Sunday was well attended, and we got lots of laughs from our first ever screening of a rough Season 2 teaser episode. Thank you to everyone who came out to the panel and came to say hello at the Zombie Orpheus booth![/quote]
[quote]Standard Action
Our panel from PAX this year is now available online, if you happened to miss it! (Gasp!) [/quote]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]4DRdXDFZh6o[/video]
[quote]Standard Action
Our team of Edwin Perez, Vanessa Driveness and Joanna Gaskell are in this PAX Cosplay video! Skip to somewhere around 2:25…[/quote]
[quote]Standard Action
More Kobold puppet test footage! This is what happens when you leave Standard Action guest star Eric Fell alone with puppeteer Daniel Johnston and our new Kobold actor, Becky. [/quote]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]FC3a7iVSkDg[/video]
[quote]Standard Action
Just finished up a fantastic voiceover recording session in Bluelight Studios with Kersten, Joanna, and our awesome Season 2 guest actor, Rebecca Husain. Back to the post-production cave![/quote]
[quote]Standard Action
Next convention appearance: ZOECon!! Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to meet the creators and stars of the Zombie Orpheus Entertainment webseries lineup![/quote]
[quote]Standard Action
Season 1 Special Edition DVDs arrived this morning! That means those people who contributed at the Druid level and above for our second season fundraiser will FINALLY receive all of their outstanding perks! Plus, we’ll bring some down to ZoeCon this weekend!! :)[/quote]
[quote]Standard Action
The Standard Action team of Tara Pratt, Rob Hunt and Joanna Gaskell is back from ZOECon! (We left Vanessa Driveness down there to show them all how it’s done on the Gamers 3 set. ;)) What a great convention - it was such a thrill to meet and chat with such talented webseries creators, and be right there as the ZOE team put some hilarious stuff down for the upcoming Gamers 3.
[quote][size=6]Season 2 – Episode 0 to Launch Dec. 20![/size]
We have some exciting news to share, news that all you have been waiting for!
We are super excited and very proud to announce that we will be posting a full-length teaser episode for Standard Action, Season 2 on December 20th. This will be an “Episode 0″ in the tradition of Season 1, and you’ll have one whole day to watch it before the world ends!
The official launch of Season 2 will be Tuesday, January 8 with Episode 1. Shiny brand new episodes will follow every two weeks. On the weeks that we won’t be launching an episode, we will keep you entertained with behind-the-scenes footage, outtakes, and other extras. We’ll let you know if we have to adjust our launch schedule for a convention or whatnot, but that’s the plan. Tell your friends, and share our brand new Mark Feenstra-designed poster; we’d love to have an even bigger audience this season than last!
Most importantly, I’d like to send out a big thank you all the fans and friends who have become a part of the Standard Action family (or, the Actioneers, as we like to call them). The cast and crew and I have so enjoyed meeting you at conventions, chatting with you over twitter and facebook, and slaying monsters with you at gaming events. You are indeed fantastic people, and we’re so glad we could share our story with you.
We wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for your support, and we very much look forward to being able to keep telling Standard Action stories for some time to come. Your generosity and your energy in spreading the word and giving to our fundraising campaigns is what keeps us going. Without an audience, there would be no show! We are so incredibly proud of Season 2, and hope that all of you will be too.
~ Joanna[/quote]
never head of this before. is it like dorkness rising or something?
too bad they named it a WotC d20&D mechanic, as that makes me less likely to watch or care about any of it.
looks like it is enjoyable to those that watch it, so good for them. huzzah!
It’s kinda similar to DR in the sense it’s based in a fantasy realm (in this case, more based on Pathfinder than D&D), but they’re a rather different beastie.
That being said…
[size=5]Standard Action Episode 2.0: The Teaser[/size]
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]CpWUjImw4dU[/video]