That's Just Insane (The Weird Side of the Internet)

NOTE: Video image may look NSFW but content cleaner than it appears.

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Awesome science trick: How to make a coin dance using a block of dry ice

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When I heard about this this morning, I couldn’t believe it. lol

As one YouTube user commented… "I think about a million teenage white guys just quit playing guitar… " :laughing:

[size=20]RACER X - Scarified, Cover by Li-sa-X (Japanese 8 year old girl)[/size]


:arrow_up: Whoa!

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This was such a funny Grasaia scene.

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And thus, it is revealed what I do on Fridays… :no_mouth:

[size=20]Good Mythical Morning - “NeverWet” Our Pants[/size]

NeverWet: Guy tested, YouTube approved.

America has found Target’s cheat sheet. So much for secrets.

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[size=20]Skullcandy - Robbie Maddison’s Drop In, Dirt Bike Ski Ramp Jump[/size]

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