Genres: horror, magic, psychological, romance Themes: absurdity, gore, harem, incest, murder Objectionable content: Intense Plot Summary: Mikiya Kokuto finds himself intrigued by two things. The first is by Shiki Ryougi a beautiful, yet rather unsociable, girl and the other is the strange series of violent deaths that start occurring in his town. As he attempts to get closer to Shiki, he soon learns that the two are connected and that there are many supernatural forces at work which could very likely get him killed as well. Vintage: 2007-12-01 to 2009-08-08
It’s basically an import without having to pay for international shipping, and that’s probably Aniplex’s idea - but only they most hardcore fans will pay for that. As usual, the Japanese don’t understand the Western anime market.
Well, you don’t have to worry about that. Kodansha has the rights to that one. Though last I heard, the prospects of someone paying the price they wanted was slim, so a release might still be a while off.
Yeah, I complain about R1 releases often being too cheap for the tiny subset of the home video market they occupy, but this is a bit ridiculous. I would have considered it at half the price $150-$200, but $400 is too much, even for me. Sorry Aniplex.
I don’t know what they’re thinking either. NIS America had better packaging and was cheaper by 9x for its DVD releases. I’d almost consider it for half price too but there’s too many R1 releaases that I could get for the same price as 1 KnK even at 1/2 price. Also any gorgeous steelbooks that happen to cross my path. In the long run it’s not that special.
They need to sell the films individually at a cheaper price. Adding a dub would be good too. Gundam Unicorn did this type of release properly.
September 13, 2017 1:06pm CDT
Produced by ufotable, The Garden of Sinners series includes seven films, one bonus movie epilogue, and two side story films
November 25, 2017 5:35pm CST
The “Garden of Sinners” film series returns to Japanese theaters, accompanied by tons of new merch and – yep – a collab café.