I wondered if that ANN interview would spill over to the TAN Board.
AoA’s pricing on Madoka, at $29.95 for their standard edition DVD’s, is just above my max per episode price point for a dubbed series.
Having seen short clips and promo videos online I’m fairly sure that Madoka is a series that I would enjoy having. However at approx $90 for it’s entire season on 3 DVD singles, Madoka is nearly $20 more than what I paid for K-ON! Season 1 on 4 DVD singles as they came out.
So far AoA hasn’t licensed anything other than Madoka and Oreimo ( Which I did buy the LE. ) that I’m interested in, but their pricing missteps will likely keep my checkbook closed.
I firmly believe that any sign of flexibility on AoA’s part, just allowing RightStuf to put Madoka on sale for a few dollars off in one of their email flyers, would clear up this pricing issue almost instantly.
I’m okay with the pricing that there doing with Bakemongatari, Durarara!!, and Garden of Sinners DVD But the Fate/Zero box sets prices are like a noose tied around my neck. Though I have enough money for one box set, I want to wait and see what happens with the holiday sales even though I highly assume nothing will happen.
The biggest dissapointment I find from Aniplex is that they decided to make a DVD collection of The Garden of Sinners movies. I know the region format for Blu-Ray is the same as japan. But when AOA products are sold at certain internet retail, they can’t ship out to japan. So that can solve the problem, but why did they not release a standard edition Blu-Ray? I can beleive if Aniplex of Japan told them no release of blu ray, but the original blu ray release is SOLD OUT. That means the only way to get it is from second or third hand retail where money is earned to the seller selling the product, not the company who made it and shipped out. So aniplex cannot get any more money off of it so its time to listen to fans and release another Blu-Ray release.
Hell, I know I said there Blu-Ray box is by god expensive now. But with my Aspergers kicking in, I might just spend 700 on it. WWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!!!
Tell me about it, I dread what they are going to charge for the Sword Art Online Release on Blu-Ray. I really like the series and would like to add it to my collection, but not at the Price they charged for Fate / Zero (Over $20 per Episode, and no I didn’t buy Fate / Zero either)
by Zac Bertschy and Justin Sevakis, Mar 13th 2015
Justin returns for a laid-back twitter show! We take questions on Aniplex simuldubs, getting a job in the anime industry, dating nerds, and much more!
Marketing specialist for Aniplex of America EJ Rivera drops by the show to chat all things Aniplex, including some sales numbers, upcoming releases, and those pesky prices people love to fight about.
Hey anime fans! We love getting your input Have you attended any anime conventions between 2014-2015? Which con? What’d you enjoy there? We’d love to hear about it! We’d really appreciate it if you can take a moment to fill out this survey for us. Thank you guys!!: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AOAconventionsurvey
Recently many Aniplex titles have been expiring for whatever reason (Aniplex charging too much, not allowing anyone to license/rescue titles, series didn’t sell well enough to justify a renewal, etc.), so I decided to list the status of every title that is handled by Aniplex internationally, whether it be in-print, OOP, or simply never licensed. Feel free to point out anything missing or any errors. (???) means I’m not sure if it was handled internationally by Aniplex. Ex: Zakuro is OOP, but Crunchyroll got streaming rights from ADK, not Aniplex, though NISA may have had to go to Aniplex to get home video rights. I’ve also provided a streaming list at the very bottom, as well as alternative English-friendly options (Note: some options require getting a region-free/different region Blu-ray player. Note: Japan shares the same region as NA, A, and JP anime BD’s rarely have region-coding on them) for OOP titles in the OOP list. Lastly, each of the links for a title takes you to the ANN encyclopedia entry where you can see all the various releases for a title, like so.
March 16, 2016 9:23am CDT
The AnimeJapan tradeshow is coming up next weekend, and again, Aniplex is bringing a host of anime notables dressed for the event
Hey guys! We will be hosting our second episode of #AniplexLive on Twitch this week! Join us at 6 PM PDT on Thursday 3/7 for convention recaps, ERASED reactions, giveaways and more!