Is he the last Dwarf not pictured?
Cancel that. I decided to actually count.
Maybe the last ones will all be a one picture deal.[/quote]
Yeah, he’s the last one.
And now that I think about it, logically, they’d have to have him by himself and not with other non-dwarven characters, to keep the illusional aspect ratio of character size.
Funny you should mention the group shot though, various people have been Photoshopping the pics together as they’ve been coming out.
What I find amusing, now that TOR put up big detailed pics of each individual character on that page… Bifur actually has a little hatchet head stuck deep in his head.
I’ve been checking up on PJ’s FB page while the pics of the dwarves have been released, and I’ve never seen such amounts of nerd rage in my life.
First it was disappointment with Kili’s pic because he looks “too human”.
That pic had 743 comments as of this post.
But since the Thorin pic has been released, the comments for that pic have exploded with outrage.
Thorin’s pic is up to 1243 comments as of this post.
Check it out.
Some of the comments I’ve seen are just way beyond absurd.
Like wishing PJ dead just because the Thorin pic doesn’t match their idea of what Thorin should look like.
Never underestimate the stupidity of nerd rage. I still think he looks a little Klingon but can live with it. As for Fili and Kili I thought they were perfect. I knew immediately who they were without reading the text.
And while I’m here pointing out inconsistencies…
Who ever is working on their photo touch up team seriously needs to be fired if they completely overlooked this while Photoshopping it.
Kili has 2 extra fingers due to weak Photoshopping skills.
Definitely don’t miss out on this one!
That was so funny!
It also negates my one and only guess as to possibly why Bifur had the ax in his head, since he clearly has it in his head at Bag End when they’re getting Bilbo.
The picture of all 13 Dwarves was released today.
Sadly, they just Photoshopped all the previous pics together with a full-body pic of Thorin (finally).
So we still haven’t gotten the Hi-Res full-body Thorin pic by himself yet.