Genres: comedy, drama, romance Themes: school Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Sorata is kicked out of his high-school dorms for keeping a cat, and moves into a small dorm called Sakurasō. It turns out that all the residents, in addition to being uncontrollable and weird, are outstanding in some way: a well-known animator, a scriptwriter, a programmer. A beautiful girl called Mashiro moves in who is an internationally known painter but is so devoted to art that she can’t even dress herself, and Sorata is given the job of looking after her. Through her and the other residents, he learns who he is and what he wants to do. Number of episodes: 24 Vintage: 2012-10-08
Sorata’s little sister comes to visit and in a typical Anime fashion she has a brother complex. The misunderstandings start immediately. Oh and Misaki takes some driving lessons.
Yes I have seen the episode. Won’t list the link here for obvious reasons, just in case. If the mods are reading this and want said link to investigate please PM me.