Genres: drama, science fiction Themes: androids, café, roboethics, robots Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: In the not too distant future androids have come into common usage. Taking the androids for granted, humans treat them as if they were common everyday tools, while on the other hand, some people empathize with androids due to their human-like appearance (save for a digital ring floating above their heads). This has become a social problem and these people are frowned upon as a result. Rikuo, one who has taken androids for granted for his entire life, one day discovers that Sammy, his home android, has been acting strangely and finds a strange phrase recorded in her activity log. He, along with his friend Masaki, traces Sammy’s footsteps and come upon an unusual café. This cafe’s main rule is to not discriminate between humans and androids. Number of episodes: 6 Vintage: 2008-07-31 to 2009-09-19
As episode 4 is due out today after a couple of months delay, I thought I’d point you all in the direction of one of the best anime I’ve seen. It excels in terms of music, animation and story, so watch it!
Hmmm… The pictures of this reminds me of “Pale Cocoon”. I guess since they were made by the same studio that makes sense. Anyway this always looked kinda interesting, is it worth it? While I enjoyed “Pale Cocoon” (it was a smart, slower paced movie with a good ending), I don’t think it’s a masterpeice or anything. Still if this TV series is anything like that I may like it. So is this worth watching?
I think you would enjoy it Prede. I’ve not seen Pale Cocoon, but I believe that this was done by the same director. I thought the story was very good and I liked the characters. And the music is lovely. I do think it is worth watching.