Trinity Seven
Genres: action, comedy, romance, supernatural
Themes: Developing Powers, Ecchi, Harem, School
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Main male protagonist Kasuna Arata finds his world turned upside-down one morning when a magical disaster known as a “Breakdown Phenomenon” destroys his hometown and claims the life of his childhood friend. After receiving a Grimoire (book of spells) and a sudden encounter with a Mage sent to destroy him, he decides to join forces and enlists in a magical school charged with training magicians to deal with these disasters. Now enrolled and underway with his training, he finds himself butting heads with an organization out to destroy the world, a harem of deadly magicians at his back and his new-found powers threatening to destroy him while the world hangs in the balance.
Number of Episodes: 12
Vintage: 2014-10-07
Opening Theme: “Seven Doors” by ZAQ
Ending Theme: 1: “BEAUTIFUL≒SENTENCE” by Magus Two
2: “SHaVaDaVa in AMAZING♪” by YuiLevi♡
3: “TRINITY×SEVENTH+HEAVEN” by Security Politti
ANN Info Page
Official Japanese Website
Trinity Seven: Eternal Library & Alchemic Girl (movie) - Vintage: 2017-02-25
Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord (movie 2) - Vintage: 2019-03-29
posted on 2014-02-13 23:25 EST
Boy joins academy to undo destructive phenomenon & meets 7 beautiful magic users
Arata is what every Harem protagonist should strive to be.
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It’s almost as if he knows he’s a Harem protagonist.
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He’s a lot better than most but he still has a long way to go to achieve Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero level manliness. Perhaps the dub can give him a boost.
Dunno about this one: the animation definitely needed more money poured into it and I’m not really much for the char designs.
Why Arata is better than most male harem leads:
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posted on 2014-11-05 21:30 EST
Author Kenji Saito will write the script for festival episode
November 12, 2014 2:50am CST
Both ED songs hit stores November 19
posted on 2014-11-29 15:45 EST
December 15, 2014 9:15am CST
Holiday promotion also launched
Sentai, is there something you’re not telling me? I thought we had a good enough relationship that you’d come clean on this one…
check the bottom writing where it says whom it is coming soon from…
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Now Now Ranger you know that any good relationship is based on trust AND has it’s secrets…
Mark Gosdin
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Which means it’s more than likely coming out when Sentai announces their November release schedule…
Funded by the government?
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Hey, their Yen spend just fine in Japan.
Mark Gosdin
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April 18, 2016
posted on 2016-04-18 15:18 EDT
2014 fantasy series streamed on Crunchyroll
Well that took a while, still it’s nice to see this one get licensed.
Mark Gosdin
What kind of crazy licensing was going on that there was a poster that said Sentai had this almost 10 months ago? And Sentai just now are saying they have it?
More than likely their contract with TV Tokyo had some clause that they couldn’t officially announce it until close to release, or CR had exclusive streaming rights for a year and they didn’t want to announce until they could stream it.
posted on 2016-04-21 15:14 EDT
Q. I was wondering if Trinity Seven will be dubbed because I was looking at the preorder for the DVD and saw that will be in English & Japanese with English subtitles?
A. When you see “English & Japanese with English subtitles” it means that the home video release will options for an English dubbed version AND a Japanese audio + English subtitles options.