Tsurune: Kazemai Kōkō Kyūdō-bu
Themes: archery
Plot Summary: Minato Narumiya is beginning his freshman year at the local Kazemai High School. Mr. Tommy, adviser to the Japanese archery Club, is keen to recruit Minato, as well as his childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryohei Yamanouchi. Ryohei convinces the reluctant Minato to attend the Club’s orientation, where he also meets Kaito Onogi and Nanao Kisaragi. Singling Minato out, Mr. Tommy introduces him as a rare Japanese archery talent and asks him to demonstrate in front of everyone. However, Minato’s arrow fails to hit the mark because he is afflicted by a serious condition.
Number of Episodes: 14
Vintage: 2018-10-14
Tsurune: The Linking Shot / Tsurune: Tsunagari no Issha (Season 2)
Vintage: 2023-01-04
Tsurune The Movie: The First Shot (movie) - Vintage: 2022-08-19