haha there is a lot of hentai in the beginning too but when I read volume 8 I’ll let you know.
i have:
kingdom hearts 1 volume 2
kingdom hearts 2 volume 1
full moon o sagashite volume 1
naruto volumes 1-9
peach fuzz volume 1
undertown volume 1
slayers volume 2
I just picked up the first two volumes of Air Gear at the local Barnes & Noble! So begins my manga collection…
I dont have much…
kare kano (his and her circumstances)
school rumble vol. 1-7 some in japanese
love hina vol 1
mahoromatic vol 1-2
and chobits 1
i just got 2 new manga i got: shadow lady sudden death and kama himi for you in full blossom
SON OF A FEMALE DOG!!! I was one book away from completing my Gunsmith Cats collection when low and behold, I got an e-mail stating it got cancelled.
Dark Horse’s website pushed it to April. Yeah, I’ll wait and see before I order it again.
Updated - FMA, 3 more manga
Just ordered “Gunsmith Cats: Burst Graphic Novel 5.” I would love to see the Gunsmith manga adapted to anime. The OAV was nice but want to see the official story animated. Not likely but a guy can dream.
Psychopuppet's Manga
Alien Nine Graphic Novel 1
Alien Nine Graphic Novel 2
Alien Nine Graphic Novel 3
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku Graphic Novel
Apollo’s Song Graphic Novel
Cromartie High School Graphic Novel 1
Dark Angel Graphic Novel 1 (2nd Ed)
Dark Angel Graphic Novel 2 (2nd Ed)
Dark Angel Graphic Novel 3 (2nd Ed)
Dark Angel Graphic Novel 4 (2nd Ed)
Dark Angel Graphic Novel 5 (2nd Ed)
Deadman Wonderland Graphic Novel 1
Deadman Wonderland Graphic Novel 2
Deadman Wonderland Graphic Novel 3 (Pre-ordered)
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 1
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 2
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 3
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 4
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 5
Eureka Seven Graphic Novel 6
Eureka Seven: Gravity Boy & Lifting Girl Graphic Novel 1
Eureka Seven: Gravity Boy & Lifting Girl Graphic Novel 2
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 1 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 2 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 3 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 4 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 5 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 6 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 7 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 8 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 9 (on-order)
Girls Bravo Graphic Novel 10 (on-order)
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 1
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 2
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 3
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 4
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 5
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 6
JUNK Record of the Last Hero Graphic Novel 7
MW Graphic Novel
Peach Girl Graphic Novel 1 (2nd Ed)
Project A-ko Graphic Novel 1
Project A-ko Graphic Novel 2
Rarely buy manga. Eureka Seven ,Alien Nine , CroMartie , and Peach Girl came with DVD’s I bought. Just picked up Apollo’s Song and MW yesterday. I may have something else someplace ,but if I do I don’t remember since if I do its in my swag drawers.
Updated my list.
Added Girls Bravo 1-10 and Deadman Wonderland 2 came in the mail the other day.
Finished Deadman Wonderland 2 last night really enjoying this and each volume can not come soon enough. Hopefully Tokyopop finishes it. Also wonder what ever happened to the Deadman Wonderland anime? It never showed up.
Received my order from RightStuf from the VIZ sale:
Bleach - 6 & 7
The Cain Saga - 4, Part 2
Fullmetal Alchemist - 23
Inuyasha - 37 & 38
La Corda d’Oro - 1 & 2
I now have…
Vagabond Volumes 1-8
Still looking for 9 of the graphic novel, which I’ve yet to find in any stores.
Are you getting the VIZBIG editions?
If so, Vol 9 doesn’t come out until October 19.
And that would be why I cannot find it. Lol, Thank you Slowhand.

And that would be why I cannot find it. Lol, Thank you Slowhand.
I wish I could get back into buying manga. No money for that now. I’ve also noticed that a lot of titles have raised in MSRP by about $3 since my last purchase. Most were $10, but whenever I go to Borders and peruse the manga section, most series that catch my interest are $13 a volume. It’s bad enough that the novel itself is both dying and expensive…
Code Geass Vol. 1-8
Highschool of the Dead Vol 1-3
Yotsuba vol,1,2,7,8
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Vol 1
Received for Christmas…
Black Butler - Vol 1
Bleach - Vol 11 & 12
Cantarella - Vol 9
Inuyasha - Vol 43, 44 & 45
Got yesterday
Black Butler - Vol 2
Vassalord Vol 4
Got yesterday
GetBackers - Vol 4 (I’ve been trying to find this one forever!)
Trinity Blood Vol 5-8