Genres: action, comedy, supernatural Themes: superpowers, youkai Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Sakurashin is a town where supernatural beings called youkai can coexist peacefully with humans. The city was built around the “Nana-gou”, seven huge cherry blossom trees that connect the human and youkai worlds. About half of Sakurashin´s population is composed of youkais who have migrated from the other world. Four young but powerful individuals are chosen to protect the town and the gate. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2008-10-02
Genres: action, supernatural Themes: youkai Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: The town of Sakurashin is connected to the demon world by seven sakura pillars, allowing humans and demons to live together. The four members of the Hiizumi Counseling Office help and protect its citizens. Number of episodes: 13 Vintage: 2013-10-06 to 2013-12-29
Ever since the announcement and checking into it, been loving the OP and ED with Savage Genius and Roundtable/Nino (of NHK fame <3), respectively. The OP especially has hooked me in big time.
The show itself looks like a teens with superpowers type show from what I could tell, and I’m really looking forward to it - probably third behind Maria Holic and Hidamari.
The Manga is more supernatural than a superhero Anime.
Even though the Manga is also billed as “superhero”.
The idea behind the Manga may have been a Quartet.
It ends up with at least 5 to 7 “hero” characters involved in battle.
The Battle that had five Katoha (one of the mains) was the missing character off visiting relatives.
Usually same 6 with an additional rotating character.
This was the Manga, which may or may not be close to the Anime.
It would be more accurate to say a group of demons and humans lead by a Quartet to protect their town.
This is most likely a great Anime.
I do recommending reading the Manga.
Congrats on Section 23 coming out with this Anime.