2 Enhance the future HiDive Forums Experience

“ Optional Rating Feedback Indication, comments’ field attachments “

Not all posts require a need for a traditional comment for every response being posted in a thread.

But all posts need a better rating system for having a specific feedback rating attachments from the tons of daily posts being made.

I propose to have a feedback rating, limited characters field boxes, to mark in with words of criticism feedback or even an emoji or two, for the poster, on whether or not the poster is adding the right value in the specific thread.

An Example of how the rating feedback should be placed. I think it should be one of the highlighted pop up menu options, beside “ copy quote “ and to be called “ Rating Insert “.

And to view all the rated feedback, the “ Rating Inserts “ could be found with an made icon, along side the other post icons, such as, the like icon, the link, the edit pencil icon, located at the bottom right corner of every post.

Is HiDive going to have a forum?


Nothing has been decided yet. That’s just wishful thinking at this point.


I wish they would at least have a membership offering of a chat section.

Because with have became obsolete at the point.

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