Genres: action, comedy, drama, tournament Themes; ecchi, gangs, roller blades, school, sports Objectionable content: Significant Number of episodes: 25 + Special Trick Vintage: 2006-04-04 to 2006-09-26
Plot Summary: Minami “Ikki” Itsuki, is a student and a delinquent. Also known as the “Unbeatable Babyface,” Ikki is the leader of the youth gang by the name of “East Side Gunz.” Upon his return home after being humiliated by a street gang of Storm Riders called the Skull Saders Ikki discovers a secret hidden from him by his benefactors, the Noyamano sisters. The sisters belong to a group of Storm Riders who go by the team name of Sleeping Forest. Keen on helping Ikki to regain his confidence and pride, they supply him with a pair of Air Trecks (abbreviated as “AT”). Ikki eventually settles his grudge with the Skull Saders, but in the process he receives more than the simple satisfaction of revenge. Determined to experience the sensation of “flight” for as long as he can, our headstrong protagonist is quickly sucked into the mysterious, yet irresistible world of Air Treck.
I still don’t get why so many old-time anime fans get surprised when this happens. It’s so common and to be expected now.
But yeah I agree, I wish there were a Season 2 coming. :([/quote]
It definitely happens more often than not, specially with ongoing stuff coughPumpkinScissorscough.
For me, it’s not that it surprises me so much as I just like some sort of closure. I don’t mind when they end something ongoing with the end of a story arc, like Black Lagoon, it tends to feel closed at that point, but when it feels like they end it in mid-arc, it really makes you wonder why they just didn’t throw in some filler at the end to make it less jarring.
By your logic FMA should have had a horrible ending(okay the ending was meh but it did end). The problem with Air Gear is how it ended, literally a sentence was said and that was it. We didn’t even get any fallout of the climax, which wasn’t even that climaxy. It isn’t fair that Toei won’t go back and do another season because it has had a lot more of the manga done since it stopped.
A lot of production companies leave the door open for season 2 or intended to do make one, especially with on-going manga, and sometimes it doesn’t happen. It’s a very common thing to do nowadays. Unfortunately sometimes it just doesn’t pan out when their expectations are let down with lack of sales, etc.
Closure is one of the most consistent issues with anime for a whole host of reasons. Personally I’m so used to it now that it’s not as big a deal as it used to be (see GTO or Kare Kano).
One of the problems with Air Gear is it’s not exactly an otaku favorite, a lot of its popularity comes from the more casual fanbase and teens who did not or could not monetize this series enough when it was coming out. I can not tell you how many illegal sites I reported to Anime Network while this was coming out and when they were trying to stamp out the illegal distributions of this series. So sales did not rise to the level of popularity. I’m sure the production companies and Toei would have made more if it sold enough. Sadly it didn’t.
By your logic FMA should have had a horrible ending(okay the ending was meh but it did end).[/quote]
It ended just fine for me.
It closed most of the holes, and if you include the movie, it worked out rather well.
On to other things though.
My best friend is on vacation currently, but I think we’ll start the group viewing after that.
I’ll come up with a viewing schedule before then, and run it by dragoon, just to make sure it’s apropos.
Tentatively though, it’ll probably be starting next Fri ( 9/18 )
Dragoon and I have set up another viewing schedule to watch the whole series (6 DVDs) as it’s a new series to me.
[size=16]For those that want to participate:[/size]
Watch the DVDs according to the schedule, then come back here to the forum to post your thoughts, findings, and views on the series thus far.
[size=16]Viewing Schedule:[/size]
[size=16]Friday 9/18 - Air Gear DVD 1 (episodes 1-4)
Saturday 9/19 - Air Gear DVD 2 (episodes 5-8)
Sunday 9/20 - Air Gear DVD 3 (episodes 9-12)
Monday 9/21 - Air Gear DVD 4 (episodes 13-17)
Tuesday 9/22 - Air Gear DVD 5 (episodes 18-21 + special)[/size]
2 days off for VOD/Online stuff
[size=16]Friday 9/25 - Air Gear DVD 6 (episodes 22-25)[/size]
Kick the roommate out for a few hours!
(if you can)
His parents rent him an apartment here so he can study and they stay there on weekends. I do plan on watching while he is there. Just need to get the DVDs from my house (yay I go back Friday )
Yay, more people to participate!
Though we’ll see when the viewing comes around.
Most of the people that say they’ll participate, usually wind up blowing us off, and it just winds up being only dragoon and I who actually participate and post.
So, we’ll see.
Yay, more people to participate!
Though we’ll see when the viewing comes around.
Most of the people that say they’ll participate, usually wind up blowing us off, and it just winds up being only dragoon and I who actually participate and post.
So, we’ll see.[/quote]
Sorry, TCG, I know I’m one of those blowing off people that you mention above. But I did participate when you guys watched Le Chevalier D’Eon, so does that count for something? :laugh: I think I’m gonna be able to participate this time. Should be fun!
Dragoon and I have set up another viewing schedule to watch the whole series (6 DVDs) as it’s a new series to me.
For those that want to participate:
Watch the DVDs according to the schedule, then come back here to the forum to post your thoughts, findings, and views on the series thus far.
Viewing Schedule:
Friday 9/18 - Air Gear DVD 1 (episodes 1-4)
Saturday 9/19 - Air Gear DVD 2 (episodes 5-8)
Sunday 9/20 - Air Gear DVD 3 (episodes 9-12)
Monday 9/21 - Air Gear DVD 4 (episodes 13-17)
Tuesday 9/22 - Air Gear DVD 5 (episodes 18-21 + special)
2 days off for VOD/Online stuff
Friday 9/25 - Air Gear DVD 6 (episodes 22-25)[/quote]
Viewing starts tonight with DVD 1
For those participating, don’t forget to come back here to post your opinion and participate in the discussion (should there be any) after each DVD.
Sorry guys I don’t think I can participate I got 3 weeks of VOD to catch up on and I’ll barely be able to get it in this weekend (a teaparty (the tax things - god I hate that name, so stupid) tomorrow and a birthday party after that, so there goes my Saturday). I’m not blowing you off, just want to watch the anime I don’t have on dvd :silly: