And so it begins…
To start this off, I have to say, I did get to see two episodes of this when it aired on VOD last year, and it really didn’t interest me in the slighest.
I have never had an interest in skateboarding or roller blading, so generally, things of that nature have very little appeal to me.
I bought it for two reasons:
A: I wanted to finish it since it was one of the Sojitz titles.
B: Everyone has been raving about it on every forum I’ve been to.
That said:
DVD 1 (ep. 1-4)
[details=spoiler]Hmm, nipple shot right out the gate in the first episode.
The soundtrack is not appealing at all to me either.
Not a good start for me.
It does have some humorous moments though, that may be its one true saving grace.
The Ikki/Buccha battle in episode 4 was rather fun.
But all in all, given my general dislike for the concept of skating, that may not be enough to save it for me.
The dub on the other hand, is actually really good[/details]