Let’s see. I do like both. Simca is the free spirit, but Ringo is down to earth. For Ikki, I would pick Ringo. I think that is the best match. She would be a good anchor for him.
However, I think Simca is my favorite, so far. But I reserve the right to change my opinion! Need to see how things play out a bit more.
Not too sure yet about the comment of Simca “collecting” all the kings.
P.S. Also love the teacher! I think there is a bit more to her as well.
It’s one of the last great Sega games I enjoyed, totally worthy of all the critical acclaim it got. Bought an Xbox for sequel and wasn’t disappointed! The style and art for its time was just awesome. Tony Hawk ain’t got nothing on it! :laugh:
It’s one of the last great Sega games I enjoyed, totally worthy of all the critical acclaim it got. Bought an Xbox for sequel and wasn’t disappointed! The style and art for its time was just awesome. Tony Hawk ain’t got nothing on it! :laugh: [/quote]
Yeah, it may have gotten good reviews, but that still wouldn’t get me to play something like this.
You could probably say I have deep seeded issues with skating of any type.
Now if they made a Parkour/Free Running game, I might actually be very interested in that.
Why the deep seeded issues out of curiosity? I don’t like skating per se or the whole Tony Hawk skateboarding culture, but for me the culture and style JSR or Air Gear represent is totally different.
It stems back to my High School days of Skaters vs. Metalheads.
Then a year after school, I was jumped by 20 skaters.
Needless to say, I’m not fond of skateboarders very much. But my dislike kind of seeped over into almost all forms of skating, since those types of people generally hang out with eachother (at least where I grew up).
Humorously enough though, ice skating is exempt from that dislike.
Ah, I can understand more where you’re coming from now. It’s a shame it had to be skating.
I guess your school did not fall into the stereotype of Skaters and Metalheads being part of the same clique. In mine it did, not that I was in either group though so I don’t have personal or deep knowledge about it.
Why did they jump you out of curiosity? (If you don’t wanna answer or answer it privately it’s cool). Sounds like a sucky situation.
It’s not a prob, though I’ll spoiler it since it OT.
[details=spoiler]Basically, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was 12am Halloween night, they were stoned and looking for trouble, and happened upon me at the park practicing martial arts.
One thing lead to another and all hell broke loose.
I walked away with bruises all over from someone who had a paintball gun shotting me from a distance, a blacked swollen shut eye, a bone chip on my eye ridge, and ripped open scalp.
On their side, one of them lost a testie, another lost an ear, and another had a shattered knee.
Luckily, no legal action was taken on either side, and it was basically washed away with time.
Though the memory still remains, as does my hatred for those types of people.[/details]
Volume 3 was awesome, probably my favorite of the first 3 volumeswith all the gags and watching all these characters grow and bond was nice. Love the Agito and Ikki romantic jokes.
This is the third time I’m watching the series now start to finish and the replay and fun factor has remained as high as the first time I saw it.
I actually liked this volume more than the others.
DVD 4 (episodes 13-17)
[details=spoiler]And with this volume, we learn the true history of Sleeping Forest and why Rika doesn’t want Ikki to do AT anymore.
And with that, Ikki challenges Rika to a parts war.
New Sleeping Forest vs. Old Sleeping Forest.
And of course, Ikki wins, and as his reward, Rika gives him some gear.
Well, more like forces Ikki to wear it and throws away the key for it so he can’t take it off.
Agito, whose been taking over areas unbeknownst to Ikki, schemes to make a battle with Behemoth.
But after Ikki got his ass handed to him by Mitsuru, Ikki destroies the Mammoth machine and challenges Behemoth to a parts war, screwing up Agito’s plan.
But not really, since Ikki wants Mitsuru and Agito wanted Akira.
The Cube battle is actually rather cool.
So far better than the rest of the battles.
And looks like it’s not over just yet.
[details=spoiler]Found out that Rikka is a wrestler. This is how she supports the household. And she’s good!
She is also good without AT’s and can do wonderful things with a bar of soap!
She is Queen of Thorns - an interesting past. Very protective of Ikki.
I like the intro of Sora (Vic!) and the fact that he can do amazing things with his wheelchair. Wonder if he will mentor Ikki at some point?
And Ikki crashing into the bath house was priceless!!
Left in the middle of the battles…[/details]
Enjoyed this Volume 4 as well with the mix of the drama, back-story and the comedy.
[details=spoiler]- Oniguri continues to crack me up with his comic relief, like how he zoomed past everyone in their training
So we learn how Ikki got to be adopted by Rika as well as her backstory with ATs, and more Christine Auten…
Sora (Vic shows up!) for some sentimental diversion in the storyline and more revelations on Sleeping forest
Ikki and Akito bath scene, LOL
Team Behemoth looking all bad-ass… Then they go riding in these really FRUITY bikes LOL. This is straight on OH Great! with intentional comic silliness that works.
Ikki coming in to crash their bikes, and Agito’s way of pointing out how he missed the variable in his plans due to Ikki’s unpredictability (dumbass-NESS) LOL![/details]
Can’t wait to see the continuation tonight, I kind of forgot all the specific details on what’s in the next volume.
Enjoyed this Volume 4 as well with the mix of the drama, back-story and the comedy.[/quote]
That, is actually what I liked most about this volume, the depth of it.
As much as I love comedy, I think the previous volumes focus more on that aspect over the story. It is kind of an in your face kind of comedy as well, which kind of deters from the series to me.
[details=spoiler]The battle with Behemoth was a long one! Kazu & Buccha lost fairly quickly - I thought they would make a comeback at the last minute, but it was fine.
Loved the comedy - Ringo (some outfit!) vs. Simca (in Ringo’s costume), Onigiri vs. Gorgon & the “stink” road, the whole rock-paper-scissors fight - very funny!
Happy they explained about Akito/Agito a bit more. Easier to see the reason for the split personality now. But his brother is a real nasty piece of work!
Sweet story about Akira & Ren. Interesting backgound on the relationship between Akito/Agito & Akira too.
Wow. Simca. Total change - a good one, but I will miss the old Simca, just a little. Now she is really take-charge! Haircut, new outfit, (her personal genesis) & the formation of team Genesis - it all came together nicely. Ok, Dragoon, (even more now) she is still my #1 fav!
How did the principal’s office get in the clock? And the fact that the old guy uses AT’s. Really fun touches!
I feel bad for Ringo though. She’s feeling a little lost and thinks she’s losing Ikki (we shall see). At least they almost kissed.
The special had a quick battle, but I liked the Kazu storyline better. Best line of the evening: “I want my monkey.”
So, now that Ikki has Genesis, I wonder what will happen next… [/details]
I’m liking the battles, but the comedy is getting a bit annoying.
DVD 4 (episodes 18-21 + Special)
[details=spoiler]So we finish up the cliffhanger battle from the previous disc.
Which I really liked actually, but that’s probably because it didn’t really focus on skating, but rather, actual fighting.
We also get to find out the history of Akira, Agito and the Fang King.
Agito also made a deal with the police, so after the battle, Kaito showed up and Akira takes the fall for everyone.
And Simca loses here hair!
I never liked her in the first place, but damn, why the hair! I have a long hair fetish.
And the leader of Genesis is born, puting Ringo in an awkward position.
And the Special Trick consists of a small battle between Potemkin & Kogarasumaru, wagering the Fang Regalia, but the highlight was the Kazu story.[/details]