Anime Network Website Suggestions (pre-2015)

I’m for less JavaScript stuff that runs constantly as it hurts mobile browsing. The funi forum has so much JavaScript that it turns mobile devices into hot potatoes.

On the desktop, I often leave tan open in a bg tab, and that would lead to tan being queried by my PC for eons lol.

[quote=“celestial_being”]I’m for less JavaScript stuff that runs constantly as it hurts mobile browsing. The funi forum has so much JavaScript that it turns mobile devices into hot potatoes.

On the desktop, I often leave tan open in a bg tab, and that would lead to tan being queried by my PC for eons lol.[/quote]

Sort of on topic, but I can’t even get Funimation to work on my computer… LOL! They have so much that it just breaks the pages and lags it up terribly. I would never want to see TAN ever become like that. The less bugs the better.

I didn’t even notice there was notifications there because I only ever see it when it says i have a new PM up in the purple area, and i rarely see that due to the colors and being color-blind. But we all know with the yellow subtitles, a place that discriminates against the color-blind will always do so.

I think Once the red bell thing went away when i deleted a friend request. That is where you mean right?

Well that is a mess like the entire site software that nobody has learned how to update the schedules or the show descriptions on their “INFO” pages yet.

I am pretty sure since it doesn’t remove the red right away, that it was broken when installed or never worked right to begin with, so tampering with it could bring the forums down worse than that one thing on the old vB forums, which caused having to start over for the most part.

As bad and niche as this Kurenanana and Joomla is I wouldn’t tamper with it much if I was them else, they could bring down the money side as well and ANO going down would be someone losing their job. If it was build from scratch as an add-on to a vB or phpBB forum, then it would have been much better because you would have those simple things like changing the notification and even simple things like being able to add more smilies for things people need on here that aren’t expressed n the dozen that are here. What does “dry” :dry: mean anyway? it looks more like it is being cautious or weary to me. where is the facepalm smilie? where is the TAN logo smilie? I hate it, but why no poohboy smilie?

I mean we lack smilies, but have a thing to put eBay links in the forums? Blog / Important Notice for Anime Network Online Users - Anime Network

ebay? really? what exact kind of site was this software made for? probably a porn site where you could buy used undies on eBay. /).(\

From the New World still is misaligned, and i would imagine all other shows are as well since nobody fixes things. rather than being EverQuest that adds 40000 new things to cover up the failings, maybe we should just have TAN fix that which is broken first and worry bout new additions later? 6 years is plenty of time someone could have read the code and learned how things worked by now, yet…

If I remember correctly, dry is outdated 80’s lingo for LAME.

I thought that “dry” was supposed to mark dry wit/sarcasm but the askance glance in the emoticon doesn’t reflect that either.

PhpBB has its own issues as ANN uses an implementation of that and their version is sorely lacking in useful and necessary features, features that TAN has. ANN’s spoiler tags only work on text and instead of hiding the text in a space saving “click to expand” field, it just puts a black rectangle over it.

TAN’s preview post feature doesn’t require leaving the post construction page.

I’d rather be stuck on what we’ve got than be on the ancient ANN tech or on the bloated monstrosity that Funi is using.

Yeah, that’s it there. I only meant for that little area to have that feature and for the red number(s) to go away after clicking the corresponding icon. It could possibly be a long time broken item like you said. Who will ever know?

I will say that I agree with you Celestial and would not want to ever see the preview option ever toyed with. That feature here has me quite spoiled. With any future changes ever to this site, I would like to put my two cents in to have that feature remain.