BASToF Syndrome
Genres: action, adventure, science fiction
Themes: mecha
Objectionable content: Mild
Plot Summary: The year is 2097 and in the city of Xenon, the ultimate cyber game, where players fight as bio-mechanical cyber robots, has been created. But something’s wrong. Somehow, the game’s cyber space and the real world are linked. The damages that occurs in the game’s cyber space creates destruction in the city of Xenon. It all starts when the players hear a piercing scream, sees a ghostly face of a little girl and a powerful scent of lemon overcomes them. To solve this mystery, the creator of the game assembles a “Dream Team”, the top three young gamers in all of Xenon. This team of rebellious, arrogant teens must overcome their attitudes and fears to find the answers, answers to the mystery that are much bigger than the game.
Number of episodes: 26
Vintage: 2001