Yeah, it’ll be good to see more Roberta.
Speaking of which, I updated that info post with a pic snagged from the official BL site.
Man, “The Bloodhound of Florencia” looks pissed in that pic.

Yeah, it’ll be good to see more Roberta.
Speaking of which, I updated that info post with a pic snagged from the official BL site.
Man, “The Bloodhound of Florencia” looks pissed in that pic.
The Japanese Blu-Ray release of this had this inter-linking picture slipcovers they form this really nice image of all of the characters from the show. Trying to find the picture. Shame we don’t get things like that anymore. Even the comic book companies rarely do it anymore.
Edit: Found it the picture can be found in the link in this post.
Wow, that is nice looking.
I wonder if they’ll add another slipcover for the OVA release for consistancy, or if it’ll be the oddball.
Just found a promo video of the 3rd season as well…
Sweet video, looking forward to more Roberta.
My main fear of this getting brought over is them not using the same dub cast. It’s not has bad as it use to be ,but considering Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Trail is only set to be 5 episode you’d have to wonder if it would be worth it to outsource the dub or fly all the VA’s in if say Funimation acquired this?
Yeah, like I said when I posted the BL:RBT info, I really hope it gets bought, and I don’t care who gets it, as long as they reprise the dub cast.
Funimation has done business with Ocean before so hopefully they would again.
Not that I don’t believe you, since there’s quite a few series I haven’t seen or even know about for that matter, but which ones did FUNi send out to Ocean?
Only one I remember is Dragon Ball Z and I believe that was more because they did not have the finances to do a dub in house back then. I believe they also did the original 13 episodes of Dragon Ball and may have done GT’s dub. Funimation appears to want to forget the original DBZ dub which in my opinion was much better then Funimations house dub for it.
Ahh, yeah.
I’ve never actually seen any of the DB series or had any interest in it.
That was way back before my time, when I was actually avidly avoiding CN like the plague.
My main fear of this getting brought over is them not using the same dub cast. It’s not has bad as it use to be ,but considering Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Trail is only set to be 5 episode you’d have to wonder if it would be worth it to outsource the dub or fly all the VA’s in if say Funimation acquired this?
It’d probably depend on the running time of the ova’s. At 22-25 minutes, then no it would not be a worthwhile endeavor to dub: you’d only get 5 episodes, that’s it. But if they’re 40-50 min. each, then maybe a dub would a good thing; at that running time you’re essentially getting 11-13 episodes of a regular tv season.
But then again, GUP might go the Aniplex USA route and release them themselves without dub and distributed by an R1 company: maybe Bandai or who knows… Sentai. I would have said Funi, but we all know their policy about dubs.
posted on 2009-07-16 11:53 EDT
Director Sunao Katabuchi, designer Masanori Shino, voice Megumi Toyoguchi return
posted on 2010-05-18
posted on 2010-06-26 13:55 EDT
“TV Edit” airs in Japan this weekend; episode to run at Anime Expo on Thursday
And while we’re at it, there’s a longer promo floating around on YT that’s been up for a little while.
[video type=youtube]qQEAmnZDcG4[/video]
And since the TV Edit of the first episode aired yesterday in Japan, the new OP made it to YT now.
[video type=youtube]QZ8Y1YiyZIw[/video]
Very glad they kept “Red Fraction” for the opening. I love that song as it fits the show perfectly.
Very glad they kept “Red Fraction” for the opening. I love that song as it fits the show perfectly.[/quote]
As am I, though I really wish they would have kept the original rather than use a remix of it.
It was already posted in the AX thread, but it should go here as well.