That is an entirely different discussion. My main point being in regards to movies there is a third party that rates everything. Here the anime industry rates stuff themselves, with Media Blasters giving this whatever rating they see fit. Probably better for anime in the long run, but it does make the rating almost meaningless. It’s just a suggestion by MB.
The rating is actually acurate, considering other anime.
Like I said there was a fairly long thread on this particular anime ever getting rated.
Due to it containing sences which some people my be confused about and find objectionable.
Except for one minor detail and the viloence there is nothing really bad in this Anime.
Did any one post about the Sub? How did I miss that?
Good thing, I theory I should be allowed to pick up this Anime.
Oh yes this rating is appropriate. However the OP stated it wasn’t, and this would have to be edited to be only 16+. I disagree completely. 16+ is the perfect rating for this. Anyway this is kinda irrelevant anyway.
I heard this was being dubbed in Bang Zoom. Although I would have rather New York, that’s perfectly cool too. Thoughts?
I guess you missed that I was the OP. I was surprised it was only 16+. After careful thought and realizing the few bit and pieces that I had seen were most likely the worse scenes in the anime, I realized that 16+ was a fair rating. As mention ratings don’t really mean anything.
Sorry about my speculation. I have only seen bit and pieces of the anime.
Longtime: LoL…I only remembered what the first poerson said…not who said it. I’m sorry man.
@Psychopuppet: I’d rather “we’re totally not bang zoom” as well, I liked their dub on The Familiar of Zero .
I don’t mind re-buying this for the dub. I never imagined it would get dubbed in the first place, and would probably skip the upgrade program anyway to give more money to Media Blasters. So this is cool with me.
No one seems to know. Probably just delay on some part by Media Blasters. I’ve heard a out of sync issue with at least one of the releases from the same time so that may be something of it.