September 28, 2014, 7:46am
Just caught this… Yes, this seems to be a glitch that @Slowhand is aware of. This happened just the same way last night as well. A little while from now the ‘Regular’ badge will disappear from everyone again. It was fixed this morning though. Now it looks like it will need to be done again. Bugs… bugs galore.
I see, thanks for clarifying that
Also, on a very very unrelated note… since this new forum has effectively fixed all of the broken threads…
The original Brain Drain thread can be viewed again!
Get ready to play with dynamite and be a danger to the internet because this thread is all about the random thoughts lurking in your minds. From the creepy, funny, unexpected, disturbing, twisted, clean or surprisingly realistic, they all go here.
A couple random rules:
When Posting: Since there is a decency rule on the forums to some extent, please self moderate your posts once in a blue moon if you have a habit to be fully dirty. I don’t mind it personally but it is what it is.
If you want …