Breaking News Bulletin Board

NASA: Huge asteroid will not destroy Earth in September

Washington fires burn over 400K acres, Obama declares federal emergency

Kids play with barnacle-covered World War II bomb in Wales

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop concept closer to becoming a reality

Aztec skull rack found in Mexico

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Should topless women be banned in Times Square?

Good girls, not gangsters? Tattoos no longer taboo in China

The airport spiking food with ‘happy hormones’

Meet Nitama, the new cat in charge at Japan’s Kishi Station

9 former jails with surprising second lives

Disney vs. Legoland: Who’s the champion?

Have treasure hunters found missing Nazi train stuffed with gold?

Atlanta tops Beijing for world’s busiest airport crown

Keith Laing - 2 hrs ago (August 31, 2015)

Ok, guys, please remember to date all your articles.


Yes because your article wants more than just a dinner and a movie, you need to respect your article and not just go for the big score right away.

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[size=16]It’s Back to School in New York City[/size]
September 9th, 2015 6:00 a.m. ET / by Leslie Brody / The Wall Street Journal
[size=16]New York Today: Back to School[/size]
Spetember 9th, 2015 / by Tatiana Schlossberg / The New York Times

By Stephen Collinson and Daniel Burke, CNN
Updated 7:57 PM ET, Wed September 23, 2015 | Video Source: CNN

By JACK EWING - SEPT. 23, 2015

EDIT: Found the perfect image here.

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Does a CEO falling (with a golden parachute) onto his sword really do anything to clean up the mess?

So VW rigged its software for the benchmark? It’s nice to see they’ve taken a trick out of the computer hardware developer’s playbook.

The article suggests that Merkel’s Germany could be economically ravaged by the fallout of this. If that were to be the case, then I’d have a feeling that many in the EU would be celebrating, Viktor Orban probably chief among them.

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I would be unsurprised if the fines were scaled back or even dropped altogether.

I’ve seen articles that point out that the violation is arguably only technical and might not survive a court challenge in the US.

Bottom line, it’s not in the best interest of the USA or EU to have Germany’s economy take a hit right now.

Mark Gosdin

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Maybe that might not matter as the PR damage will have been done, similar to DeLorean. IMO Germany having economic uncertainty might be just what the EU needs. From what I hear, her actions are making a growing number of Germans as infuriated as the Americans who just kicked Boehner to the curb are.

I wonder who will take Boehner’s place, both as Speaker and as OH-8’s Representative. Both look to be taken over by someone who will be the same as Boehner politically, which isn’t going to sit well with the folks who gave Boehner the boot.

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The PR for this is bad for VW, but it won’t be fatal or at least it shouldn’t be. Nobody’s political class is worth a dime at this point, but that has always been the case hasn’t it? :rage:

Mark Gosdin


Robot for President :stuck_out_tongue:


By Tal Kopan, Deirdre Walsh, Manu Raju and Dana Bash, CNN
Updated 3:06 PM ET, Thu October 8, 2015 | Video Source: CNN

Which makes sense IMO as there wasn’t much point to replacing John Boehner for political reasons when Kevin McCarthy was the same as Boehner politically (and was more gaffe-prone).

Though when DC does something that seems to make sense, it’s probably cause for concern lol.

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@celestial_being Pass me the popcorn, please. Oh and I brought some PeptoBismol just in case.

Mark Gosdin

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[size=16]New Hampshire School Disciplines Student After Finding ‘Death Note’ Book[/size]
posted on 2015-10-17 07:00 EDT
Book listed names, dates, cause of death for 17 fellow students

[size=10]and here we go again[/size]

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One would think this problem had been solved…

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