Broken Anime Network News link

The “News” link in the blue website toolbar points to a page with a broken link for the latest Anime Network News. The news pane itself is empty except for that broken link, “Read More of Latest Anime Network News”.

Here’s the breakdown:

  1. The “News” link in the blue website toolbar:

  2. On the News page, the “Latest Anime Network News” contains no news items. Instead there is this broken link:

  3. That “Read More” link points to a page with a 404 error message:

404 - Component not found

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.

Please try one of the following pages:

If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.[/quote]

That doesn’t look good, especially considering its visibility as a link in the website’s main navigation toolbar. And what of the blank “Latest News” pane? If the latest news can’t be found at the News link, where is it?

This is a known issue that popped up when the site got revamped recently.
Rai said that all the previous blog entries are non-recoverable.

I don’t know what they’re going to do about it, but they do know it exists.

[quote=“The Coffee God” post=120441]This is a known issue that popped up when the site got revamped recently.
Rai said that all the previous blog entries are non-recoverable.

I don’t know what they’re going to do about it, but they do know it exists.[/quote]

“Non-recoverable” suggests that no one is making backings of anything, or possibly that the blogging service was changed without first backing up the existing blog archive.

Either way (even though such a suggestion is loaded with false dichotomies)…

No backups, lost files, missing VOD programming updates. What’s really up with TAN these days? It’s really starting to look like a disorganized shakeup is in the works.

Actually that is two problems, one of which has an easy work-around.

  1. The subwindow is blank. The least it could do is show the entries that are currently on the front page. When working properly, it should be able to scroll down to view all the entries that were posted to the current set-up on this server.

  2. The link at the bottom of the subwindow (Blog / Important Notice for Anime Network Online Users - Anime Network) is likewise broken. The simple work-around is to replace it with a redirect to Blog / Important Notice for Anime Network Online Users - Anime Network since that forum can act as a Table of Contents to past postings.

If we’re talking about old blog entries from the old software on the old server, that is unfortunate.

But if we’re talking about losing blog entries that were posted between 06/01/2012 and 06/17/2012 being non-recoverable, then that is outrageous, and there is no excuse for it.

Let me rephrase:
Why are we limited to only viewing the last 5 blog entries? [size=2](The ones currently on the front page.)[/size]
Why can’t we see the rest of this month’s blog entries? [size=2](Without having to go through the Forums.)[/size]

[quote=“SpaceCobraJoe”]Let me rephrase:
Why are we limited to only viewing the last 5 blog entries? [size=2](The ones currently on the front page.)[/size]
Why can’t we see the rest of this month’s blog entries? [size=2](Without having to go through the Forums.)[/size][/quote]

in before coffee god idolizes Kunena forums again…

both questions can be answered simply with the admins of the website don’t know how to use the CMS software they employ, and that CMS software is an utter piece of crap.

spending a couple 100 dollars for the latest vBulletin that can do all this, and a one-time fe to customize or something and be capable of video streaming, forums, communities, groups, friending, blogs, PMs, and even a wiki…could have been done several times over since Kunena was installed.

(Reminder, I also hate vBulletin, not just this Kunena crap, and for freeware phpBB offers the same as vBulletin at a cost of $0.)

this website software is really crap, and i have only seen it used on a religious forum before it got put to use here, and it seems nobody knows how to use it, or cares enough to fix things that go wrong with it.

at least slowhand, after 3 years, was finally able to find the right person to correct the VOD schedules of their atrocious errors last month,a nd should be able to correct them going forward.

3 years isnt a bad length of time to learn the software for your own website right? nobody expects a working website to transition to new software and platform and expect it to work right for at least 5 years right? those 5 missed years cant possibly cost any loss of revenue or customers or loyalty …it just doesnt happen. and people dont mind things that worked perfectly fine to be broken for 3~5 years right?

[quote=“shadzar” post=120458]
in before coffee god idolizes Kunena forums again…[/quote]

For the record, not once, have I ever idolized Kunena on this forum or the Community or any incarnation thereof.
I just got tired of you whining about it.

As an end-user though, my issues with the forum specifically are rather minor, since save for a hiccup now and then, it runs and does what it needs to do.
And thanks to a private conversation with Rai, some of my issues actually got fixed with the new upgrade.

Then again, I’m actually not really all that demading, and as long as I can make posts and edit, I’m fairly content.

Though, I would like to point out…
This thread is not about the forums, so save for trying take a jab at me for knocking you down a peg, that was kind of pointless to bring up.

I so rarely click on that News page… :blush:
That’ll teach me. I’ll have someone check on that. Thanks Alan.

That blog thing sorta ticks me off also, still trying to convince TB to make that link just go to the forums page if they can’t make it work any other way.

But, ‘nice’ discussion anyway, gentlemen.