Genres: comedy, drama, romance Themes: Bishojo, family, harem, high school, moe, school, school life Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was younger, causing his father to resort to alcohol and gambling. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya’s shoulder is injured in a fight. Since then, Tomoya has had distant relationships with his father, causing him to become a delinquent over time. While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illness. Due to this, she is often alone as most of her friends have moved on. The two begin hanging out and slowly, as time goes by, Tomoya finds his life shifting in a new direction. Number of episodes: 24 Vintage: 2007-10-04 to 2008-07-16
Genres: comedy, drama, psychological, romance, supernatural Themes: bishoujo, coming of age, entering adulthood, family, moe, parenting, tragedy Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Life continues on for Tomoya. A few months have passed since he confessed his love to Nagisa. Now entering the second semester, he continues to meet a variety of different people, expanding his own world in the process. As well, Tomoya and Nagisa’s relationship begins to enter a level of intimacy unlike before. Through his relationship with Nagisa, and his various encounters, Tomoya begins to understand the meaning and importance of family. Unfortunately, as Tomoya and Nagisa begin their own family together, they are faced with many hardships and challenges along the way. Number of episodes: 25 Vintage: 2008-10-02 to 2009-07-01
My copy shipped last week, and I got it in the mail Tuesday. Haven’t got around to watching it, as I still need to finish part 1. My schedule has been hectic the last couple weeks.
BTW, Clannad came in the same shipment with Aria, which I think is possibly the greatest shipment of anime I have ever received, dub or sub.
I got the second sets of Clannad & Princess Resurrection in Saturday. Perfect timing too. I am just hoping Sentai/ADV announce Clannad After Story soon! I want more Clannad!
I’d been watching this on VOD and liking it enough I bought the first set on sale a while back - but I hadn’t watched any of the DVDs since it was getting added one at a time to VOD and I know I’d watch it all in one shot if I started looking at the DVDs.
Since they’re delaying it a bit for some of the new shows, I got the DVDs out anyways and just watched episodes 6-12. You might want a box of kleenex handy around episodes 8-9, and from the looks of it again for the second set. Which is not a complaint, the stories are very well done. I’m going to have to get the second set sometime soon.
As near as I can tell the VOD only omits some added text explanations of things to help you understand certain Japanese aspects of the dialouge.
The only complaint I had is the previews on disc two when you move from one to the next there’s no highlight at least that I could see on my TV, it was hard to tell what I was selecting to play.
Some people seem to be experiencing that issue with some DVD players not reading the highlighted portion in the trailers menu. Mine was fine in that regard.
Visual Arts/Keys stuff is very emotional stuff, I mentioned it to you a while ago… that their series Air, Kanon, Clannad have been known to make a lot of guys who never shed a tear… shed a tear.
Having finished it minutes ago (in between talking with some random guy that pulled up and complained about an upside down flag), I give this show a positive.
I think the box set should come with an official Clannad hanky or tissues or something. You need them around episode 8 and again at epsode 13-14 - and I’m sure will need them again.
I wish I’d known ahead of time about having to have tissues on hand for some of these episodes. Watched 15 & 16 on the VOD and just wanted to have myself a little cryfest.
Watching Tomoya working in the garden on his hands and knees to get it ready in time for her birthday… and the sudden realization that he knew her when they were younger…
This whole series has been so well done, even watching it subbed, I just get so caught up in the whole thing. Sometimes, I rewind just to watch it all over again.
I have to admit, Clannad has become one of my favorite universes. I finally got to see the OVA episode for Kyou and Ryou which really helped fill in that plot line for me. The only other series ATM that comes close to capturing my attention such as Clannad does is Maria Watches Over Us and Aria. Sure they are more “girlie” series (more so Maria), but I am becoming fond of them both, quite fond when it comes to Maria Watches Over Us.
I just finished Clannad. Great series, great art, great story, great. I loved it. I wonder why more people are not talking about it. If you have the DVD’s or the online player, you must watch this show.