Haganai/Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Genres: comedy, romance, slice of life
Themes: afterschool club, Ecchi, friends, Harem, school
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Kodaka Hasegawa is a recent transfer student to St. Chronica’s Academy, a Catholic high school. As with every other school he has ever attended, he finds it difficult to make friends there because of his naturally-blond hair and fierce-looking eyes, which make him look like a dangerous “yankee” to his prejudiced schoolmates. One day, Kodaka accidentally comes across the equally solitary and very abrasive Yozora Mikazuki while she converses with her imaginary friend Tomo. Realizing that neither of them have any social lives, they decide that the best way to improve their situation is to form a club: the Neighbor’s Club precisely intended to make friends and learn social skills.
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 2011-10-06 to 2011-12-22
ANN Info Page

Haganai NEXT
Genres: comedy, romance, slice of life
Themes: friendship, harem, love polygon, school, school club, tsundere
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: The adventures of the Neighbor’s Club continue, with more understanding of their members, new friends, and of course, lots of laughs.
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 2013-01-10
ANN Info Page

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Add On Disc (OAV) Vintage: 2012-09-26

posted on 2012-07-29 02:59 EDT
More Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai announced at MF Bunko J imprint’s 10th anniversary event

It looks like we are going to get a season 3.
Yozora had to rain on this seasons ending too.
I liked this show immensely. The perfect mix between drama and comedy.
I’m waiting for Funimation to finally dub & release this. I laughed at the sub, but I predict that I’d ROFL to the dub. I’m starting to wonder if they know that they can do that without having to wait for the show to finish 
Since you’re curious…
[quote]11:17:24 <bay|SC|FUNi> haganai s2 just finished up
11:17:26 <bay|SC|FUNi> s1 laster this year on DVD [/quote]
That’s good to hear, though forgive me if I don’t put that much faith in release dates given by Funimation, especially when they’re this vague; we should be only 26 days away from seeing their dub of Last Exile “the two” but we all know that tragic tale.
Has there been any news on Sentai’s experiment with releasing dubbed-only blurays? I’d buy those without hesitation, and did, but I wonder how many people would do such a thing. IMO it’s better than Funimation’s plan of “DVD now, Blu Ray sometime in the future”. Maybe they could be allowed to stream a higher-than-dvd quality version? I can hope.
I’m pretty sure if you pay for the EVS you get HD streaming.
I hope so but I’m not going to rule out some bone headed decision by funi or Japan. :silly:
I’m somewhat shocked that this appears to be going for 3 seasons.
The really interesting thing about this season was how the balance of power shifted in Season 2.
Season 1 and halfway through season 2, Yozora was in control, then all of a sudden she lost it all (Which
I think was the point of the way this season ended). If they say that’s the ending, then that’s ok but it
really leaves way too many things up in the air at this point. (Especially Sena’s confession)
Dub cast for season 1 announced with trailer:
[quote]Here’s Your English Cast for Haganai and Fairy Tail Season 2
Saturday June 1, 2013 at 01:00 pm by Lee
Freshly announced at A-kon during the FUNimation Industry Panel, here is your English cast for Haganai!
Kodaka Hasegawa - Jerry Jewell
Yozora Mikazuki - Whitney Rodgers
Sena Kashiwazaki - Jād Saxton
Rika Shiguma - Alexis Tipton
Yukimura Kusunoki - Ashleigh Domangue
Maria Takayama - Kristi Kang
Kobato Hasegawa - Alison Viktorin
Haganai Crew
ADR Director – Zach Bolton
ADR Engineer – Peter Hawkinson
Head Writer – John Burgmeier
Script Writers – Jamie Marchi, Sean Whitle
Not the cast that I was expecting. Not sure about it, the trailer doesn’t give much to go on, but it sounds worlds better than the DxD trailer.
Zach Bolton hasn’t done a bad dub yet, at least not one that I’ve heard, so I’ll “keep the faith” that this’ll be well done.
So now that the dub is out, what did y’all think of it?
I, for one, enjoyed what I’ve heard of it. Whoever created the trailer did a bad job of it but Zach Bolton seems to have nailed the dub of the actual show.
There was even some unexpected, but still appreciated, quasi-Fosterization going on in the dub.
Haganai Season One - Anime Classics - Coming Soon
Haganai Season One - Anime Classics - Available Now
January 17, 2018 5:00pm CST