Genres: action, horror, supernatural Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Kyoya’s father was a great warrior, killed at the hands of the diabolical psychic, Rebi Ra, who has now opened a portal to hell in the city of Shinjuku. It falls to Kyoya to finish what his father started and battle his way through demons, while protecting a young woman from harm. The only problem is that he’s not exactly your classic hero type, and his powers are still latent. Running time: 82 minutes Number of episodes: 1 Vintage: 1988-10-25
I have this on VHS!
I might actually have to pick this one up.
I haven’t seen it in quite some time, and my VCR died awhile ago, but I remember liking it.
This title made me want to own a wooden Boken. Sadly I could no harness any power through it.
It soon became a prop in video shoots, and to hold a door open.
Anyhow, I liked this title back in the day.