Have you ever been drunk while posting in this forum?

fillet wrote:

It was more that I was curious than cheap, I got to try all of them while the small bottles were on sale and reduced. I want to try a South African wine next, but the labels on those wines suggest they are cheap tat as well.

Iā€™m wanting to broaden my experiences with the sake, only tried one so far. Still got the bottle somewhere. It tasted pretty good.

fillet wrote:

I bought a small bottle while I was in Londons China Town. I would have bought a large bottle but the friend I was with said it was awful stuff, so I just got a small bottle to try for myself. I umā€¦ wellā€¦ have only taken a few sips, not because I dislike it, I just want to warm it up (I think that is what you are supposed to do with it) and havenā€™t bothered.

Yea, to compliment a meal. I tried it straight out of the bottle myself. Tasted kinda fruity.

Canā€™t really remember how it tasted now, I might heat some up in a pan later and see how it is.

Thatā€™d make a good breakfast.

fillet wrote:

Captain Morgan and me got in to a big fight. He lost

But he sent you home with a bruising, eh? Ha!

luckily it was only me :pinch:

Who drinks in this day and age of Science?

Youā€™d have to be dumb to drink

You arenā€™t drinking enough, obviously.

Iā€™ve had sake too, once, when I was at a Japanese restaurant for my high school graduation. I also thought it tasted pretty good. Not as good as my Southern Comfort, though :slight_smile:

Why drink at all?

Donā€™t the negatives of drinking outweight the positives?
You could say the same 'bout soda, but soda at least gives you energy while keeping you sober and is ā€œrefreshing.ā€

But alcohol? what taking care of your problems? feeling good? just to feel bad hours later, throwing up, etc.

btw with the higher risk of cancer?:laugh:

In an age of knowledge and Science I still donā€™t understand why people even dare smoke or drink

I drink to relax a bit, and because I like the taste. I donā€™t drink just to get drunk. Obviously you donā€™t know much about drinking if you think every time someone has a beer they have to wake up in a puddle of puke.

ZakuAce wrote:

There are healthier alternatives for relaxation

Beer has no health benefits
On the contrary

Tip oā€™ the glass to ye.

I think my new favorite drink, out of the bottle anyway, is sparkling sake. I had one called Moonlight Bunny a few weeks ago, and it was amazing! Of course, I was fairly buzzed from a zombie, so it could have clouded my judgement. But I bought another brand later, and it was incredible as well!

Scarecrow wrote:

[quote]Why drink at all?

Donā€™t the negatives of drinking outweight the positives?
You could say the same 'bout soda, but soda at least gives you energy while keeping you sober and is ā€œrefreshing.ā€

But alcohol? what taking care of your problems? feeling good? just to feel bad hours later, throwing up, etc.

btw with the higher risk of cancer?:laugh:

In an age of knowledge and Science I still donā€™t understand why people even dare smoke or drink[/quote]


I am addicted to soda (caffine!!! NEED IT). But I never dink alcohol and never will. I donā€™t understand it. I find alcohol only turns people into complete idiots. I canā€™t comprehend the reason(s) behind drinking. People who do nothing but get drunk are really puzzleling. But hey do whatever the hell you want. I donā€™t care what people do, as long as it doesnā€™t effect me.

So have I ever been drunk and posted on this forum. No, because Iā€™v never been drunk :stuck_out_tongue: .

I still say you need to stop putting us casual drinkers in with the people who get sh**faced

ZakuAce wrote:

Yes, there is a HUGE difference between drinking and getting drunk!!

Yes, there is a problem in America and it is the problem of extremes, One beer is not going to make you drunk, however if you have a low tolerance for alcohol, You may catch a buzzā€¦pending type of beer. I donā€™t drink heavily when I drink at all. Anyone who has been with the forums since our previous incarnation has probably seen what I type like when I am shitfaced. I have probably only been really drunk three times in my life, the night I made that post and a before then when I would do a thirty minute power hour. Six beers in 30 minutes is kinda scary if you think about it. I did that twice, at the time I weighed about 140lbs right now I still weigh 140lbs, but I have recently suffered a loss in muscle mass mainly in my legs, so my tolerance has dropped some. I have tried sake and I like the stuff. It is good to drink with friends if you are traditional, which is the only way I have drunk sake is when there was someone for me to pour for, or someone to pour for me. I always enjoy myself, one time I did knock a glass of water to the floor by accident since my hand as a little numbā€¦ The table was small too. If you want something to really get you going, you should try Sojouā€¦its a Korean drink, you want to drink it by the shot tho and chilled is usually best.

If you have right mind set when you do drink then no problems. I donā€™t drink often, but I always make sure I have some friends around when I do. Karaoke is fun too.