Dragoon is an awesome friend this thread is dedicated to him from the members of this site. He has taught me lots of forum rules and I appriceate it. Thanks Dragoon.
Goony, best friend a guy could have.
Don’t know him? He’s a real good buddy of mine, we talk all the time.
I admit that Goon has his moments, even though I can’t get him to appreciate /a/
“Come over to the dark side, Goon, and together we can rule the universe”
“NEVER”! I will never follow you! I am a Taner, like Jay before me"
A strong man, able to withstand the tempting of a fox!
The Force is strong in this one
is that wat u call dragoon
If I did, slowhand would be cross with me, as a mother would to a kid with a hand in the cookie jar.
hiiiiiiiiiii dragoon
He taught me everything I know. (Especially the Ban Whip)
Slowhand Approves Of This Thread.
I thought I was your guy!
Oh, dear…
Hentai… you are my one and only.
…but…but…what about goon?
Oh! Noz! I’m broken hearted. who am I going to stalk now?
No more rides in the Party Van 4 U
lol dragoon is a cool guy huh

Oh! Noz! I’m broken hearted. who am I going to stalk now?
No more rides in the Party Van 4 U
Now, just wait a minute here!
Outlander, you know what you mean to me!
We are best-married-buds!
no u and dragoon are married
I’m single and digging it.
But I might have a man-crush on dragoon.
ur gay