Hello Everyone!

Hey Everybody
My name is Sarah
I am almost 22
I live in New Hampshire
I work at gamestop part time (almost 5 years now…crazy right)
I just graduated college with my associates in paralegal studies
So I also work part time as paralegal
I <3 anime (I suppose thats a given hehe)
I also looove manga I’ve recently raided borders with their sales
I enjoy long walks on the beach jk jk (I’ve always wanted to say that though haha)
Im a pretty down to earth gal

and some of you may know me as gungoddess89 on xbox live
I may have possibly terrorized you and/or made you laugh
Depends on the day I guess!!

Anyways nice to meet you all!

stay safe in this crazy wheather!!! :wink:



We hope that you hang around and post often

Hello and Welcome to the TAN boards, Sarah!! :3 Sounds like you’re a pretty cool person to have here. :slight_smile: So you say you love anime and long walks on the beach? Well so do I! :stuck_out_tongue: Nice to see you as a new addition to the boards! ^-^ I hope you enjoy your time here posting and maybe get to talking sometime! :3

It is very nice to meet you as well! ^w^

Hi and welcome to TAN, hope you have fun on the site. :slight_smile:

http://www.theanimenetwork.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/full_metal_panic_526781.jpg Awww thanks so much guys for the warm welcome!
I’ll try to post often, and share my opinions with you
feel free to add me If you like, I don’t bite (often) haha :laugh:

Hi welcome to TAN hope you find this place as fun as I do, as for biting no worry’s we all bite back :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello and welcome! Us TAN-ettes have to stick together or Outlander will have us all making him sammiches. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright sounds like a plan!..plus im not allowed in the kitchen there’s knives

Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Welcome to you! Nice to meet you!

Hey there, nice to have you on board. We like anime here, and abstract thought as well, hope you contribute both.

Outlander…best welcome pic ever!