Hey! Rai!

Now that you’re a Dad and with Father’s Day quickly approaching, I thought it would be nice if we all could give you some “first time dad” advice. And please feel free to post pictures of the little darling here too, Rai!


So Rai, when it comes to styling your daughter’s hair -

If this doesn't work -

Try this instead -

[details=If all else fails, there is always this tried and true method -]

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You need to be creative at bath time as well!

Dad dresses up as movie characters to get his daughter to take a bath

And playing dress up is very important too!


[details=Please make sure you keep a good supply of diapers with you at all times.]
And perhaps a couple of clean shirts as well…[/details]

And tissues! Always have tissues with you too!

[details=As your little girl gets older, she will want to “experiment”. Please be patient and supportive when she goes through this stage.]




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[details=Of course, you will have to teach her about the “bad things” too.]





[details=When your little girl makes your lunch for the first time, just go with the flow.]

[details=And there shall be tea parties!]

[details=And meals together.]
WiccanWoman uploaded this image to

[details=When the time comes, you might want to talk her out of that first job…]

[details=Hope you have a very Happy Father’s Day, Rai!]


[details=No, no, Rai! This is NOT how you babysit!]

Nor is this the proper way to prevent your daughter from dating!

Rai - a gift for you!!

[details=And when she is old enough to attract the attention of boys, a little intimidation never hurts -]

[details=Of course there are other kinds of intimidation -]

[details=If you don’t like the way she is starting to dress, set a good example -]

[details=That last fall picnic before winter is always the best!]

But you may want to find a better spot for the baby to eat.[/details]