Genres: comedy, science fiction Themes: ecchi, fanservice, maids, robot girl Objectionable content: Significant Number of episodes: 3 Vintage: 2007-11-21 to 2008-03-21
Plot Summary: Set in a near future, a time where robots are common workers for their owners. Takaya Murase has just purchased a maid robot from a robotic doll distributor, MaidWorks. Ready to live a normal cleaning, cooking, and serving life to her owner, Yui is purchased, by Takaya but he has other plans for her…like dressing her up in dress-costumes of his fantasies and more.
I have started watching Indian Summer on anime network website. Im enjoying it (and its weirdness), but its a little annoying when subtitles for the songs or signs are put right over the dialogues subtitles, making it hard to tell what is being said. In the second episode, during the beach scene with the octopus, at about 14:35, does anyone know what Minori is saying when the octopus has captured her with its tentacles? I cant tell because the lyrics to the song are right over it. They say “Here it comes, I`ll defeat it”. Thank you!