Le Portrait de Petite Cossette / Cossette no Shōzō

I saw this on Fuse as part of their Anime Explosion block. I actually didn’t mind this series.

Watched the first episode today. This one is really strange and I love it! The music is beautiful. I especially like the ED.


And it’s funny that no matter how many times that glass falls, it never breaks! Perhaps because Cossette’s soul is attached to it. There’s an awful lot of blood too, but I guess that’s what happens when you make a blood pact.

It’s also very colorful. I really like the story so far - murder and reincarnation. I am very intrigued.

Well, I know she would not show herself to me. I would be more in mind to perform an exorcism and put her soul to rest rather than resurrection. But the episode does slowly build up the suspense and leaves one wanting to see more.

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Gentleman that you are Redshirt, I know you’d end up helping her. :slight_smile:

Episode 2 -


Eiri can see Cossette fully now and even have a conversation with her – or is he just insane? He is even signing his art work with Marchello’s name.

Shoko is a really jealous girl. I thought she was bad in the last episode, but she seems even more jealous now. Yui is worried about him and Michiru sees in the cards that he might be risking his life. Even the psychic sees death around him and she can almost see the spirits. But that whole scene with the clock was wild!

Eiri finally finds out all about Marchello and the fact that he murdered Cossette’s whole family. Eiri also gets to “see” Cossette’s death. Marchello killed her to keep her perfect. He didn’t like that she was growing up and changing.

Many of the images remind me of Salvador Dali’s work and that frozen landscape was truly stark and beautiful.

When the portrait smiled, it gave me chills!

Episode 3 -


Eiri is dying and Cossette regrets what she’s done to him. She realizes that although he has Marchello’s soul, Eiri is nothing like Marchello and she wants to release him from his promise. But Eiri is so obsessed with Cossette, he doesn’t want to be released.

The other four women have dinner together and express their worries over Eiri. Shoko admits she’s in love with him. Later, she even witnesses his pain and it almost destroys her. Eiri demands the cursed objects take him to where Cossette is because he still wants to save her. He is able to find her and tells her that he wants to stay with her. Cossette takes him to a place where the living and the dead can be together.

The women search for Eiri but Shoko has lost herself and ends up in the hospital. They say it’s as if her soul is missing. Has she been drawn into the world of Cossette as well? Strange that the damaged portrait of Cossette is now hanging on the wall of Shoko’s hospital room.

Eiri wants to draw Cossette, but nothing comes out right. However, Cossette tells him that he’s as good as Marchello was and Eiri realizes that he isn’t with the real Cossette, but the painting that Marchello did. She tries to convince him that she is more Cossette than the real Cossette ever was, but Eiri rejects her. He ends up in Marchello’s studio and, still dying, paints a portrait of the real Cossette with his own blood.

In not accepting Marchello’s art, Eiri is able to destroy the fake Cossette. Shoko has followed him to this world and finds him now. She tells him that his art is warmer than Marchello’s and this delivers the final blow to the fake Cossette. Shoko returns to her own body as the portrait on the wall disappears. She wakes up and says that Eiri is coming back too.

Eiri says that Cossette will always be a part of him and gets to see the real Cossette resting peacefully. The portrait that he did in his own blood now hangs over her resting place, replacing Marchello’s. I got goosebumps with this and I got chills again too when, after the end credits, Cossette opens her eyes.

Although this anime was very short at only three episodes, it is now one of my favorites. The strangeness of it makes it really stand out and the story was very intriguing. It is one of the most original shows I’ve seen in a while and I really enjoyed it.

I just watched episode 1 again, and I have to say I love the music. But I just can’t get into the show. I was a bit distracted, so I might give it another go before the episode expires. But I didn’t like this show that much the first time I saw it, and I don’t think my opinion is going to change this time.

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I have to give this one credit, as to be expected, I really liked the soundtrack, but I also really liked the look of the artwork for it.

That being said, I have never liked abstract WTF kind of series, especially ones that use it for both story and visually, and this was no exception.

Had they taken that out, it might have actually been an enjoyable watch for me, even for it being as short as it was, though it probably should have been a tad longer just so it wouldn’t have felt crammed.

But all in all, those first two points I mentioned were really the only things I liked about it.

The dub was good though.

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They take out the WTF part of this it would not be the same series. It’d be a generic series. The same old crap with a different name and a good sountrack. Though I will agree at least a few more episode to flesh out some more would have been good. It’s one of those series you have to let your mind roll with it else it will fail to entertain. It’s not a wide appeal show either.

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I saw the first episode last week. Thought it had potential. It definitely has a weird factor, but sometimes weird is good. I’ll give the rest of this series a look and let you know what I think.

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Ten Years Later: Le Portrait de Petite Cossette Anime Series

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