Love, Election & Chocolate / Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate

1 more episode left, and like I said before, way too much stuff is going on. It’s almost like this was supposed to be a 24 episode anime, but only 12 were greenlit so far.

Also, why can’t we see episode 12 this week? :frowning:

Episode 12 :end: is live at ANO

It felt as they rushed the ending a bit. Too much stuff came popping out toward the end that it felt as though the plot was planned for a longer run. 12 episodes may have not been enough to not make the plot feel compressed toward the end, but the plot couldn’t be stretched to 24 without it feeling like it was dragging.

Love, Election, & Chocolate – COMING TO VOD JUNE 27, 2013!

Complete Collection Cover/Disc Art



a limited edtion that comes with a new English dub and chocolate character minis, that way they’d have to buy two copies: one to have on the shelf and another to eat the choco. Yum…hee, hee, hee…

Love, Election & Chocolate Official Trailer

Complete Collection Cover/Disc Art


