Media Blasters News

Well it’ll be hard for MB to stiff themselves (some old expressions just don’t work as well today, do they, lol). Given their rep, I wonder if this was the only way that they could get dubs done; did they ever pay Sinterniklaas what they owed him for dubs?

Still it is always nice to see more dubs being made. Hopefully their in-house work will produce better results than some of their outsourced works.

If they could do us a solid and dub that copy of Yami-bo, and maybe go back and dub Super Robot Wars, that I’ve had on preorder for eons now, I’d appreciate it :smile:

oh no, so I guess Vancouver dubs are extinct after all…
like an 8-track…

This is exciting and I’ll be looking forward to seeing the dub for Holy Knight. Now if only Media Blasters got better at authoring so we won’t see the fatal errors that plagued Koe De Oshigoto and Super Robot Wars.

Seems that way. In-sourcing seems to be where its at, though since NY has other anime studios I suspect that MB’s reputation for leaving dubbers unpaid has something to do with this.

Though what does MB really have to dub?

don’t forget, MB releases live action Asian movies as well thru their Tokyo Shock label: Lust of the Dead series, Toilet of the Dead, and any other shows they end up licensing.

I’m not too up on live action asian movies. I do like their tendency to use real stunts instead of CG (but when they do use CG, it’s an eyecrime…) though.

I’m hoping that Media Blasters dubbing internally, and getting lower-key titles will allow them to do things that West Coast studios can’t/don’t.

Media Blasters Lists Yosuga no Sora Anime on N. American DVD

posted on 2015-02-06 23:30 EST
2010 TV anime In Solitude Where We Are Least Alone slated for May 26

Hey All…MB is looking for advice. We are working on Yosuga No Sora seems to be 12 episodes but it also seems that these episodes are alternate episodes of a past episode.
How do we release it cause we are going batty here? Or are we missing something here folks?

Just the 12 episodes in order works fine, you could put a little “route map” insert to explain the order for those who might want it or need it.

No this is a sub only release but I believe we really need to make this self evident for everyone so we will have a 4 disc set and each disc will have the character route like Chris suggested and may have a small insert card inside of it.

Sub-only? That doesn’t do much for my hope that they’ll dub their pending (I’ve had it on preorder for what has to be years by now) release of YamiBo or that they’ll go back and dub Super Robot Wars.

Q. Are you ever going to say anything about YamiBou? Really not cool of you to continuously ignore fans who have been waiting for years now to find out what has happened to it.
Q. Re: Yamibo, just let us know if it’s officially dead, even…
A. As for Yamibo, not dead. I will somehow make it happen…

Q. Out of curiosity, what is the cause of the delay on Yamibo, if you can say? Trouble with the studio? Or is it just not a priority due to being an older niche title?
A. Priority right now.

There were so few Koe De Ashigoto returns that we will do that next as we will be destroying the old inventory.

(Super Robot Wars)
Good news in that we finally started the work on the SRW Collection and Disc 5 has been corrected and for all of you have sent in the bad disc we are going to send you out a copy of the full collection. I just feel that is the right thing to do since you have all been waiting so long for it. The full collection contains both Divine Wars and Original Generation.

Yes you can still return disc 5.

I wish they’d dub YamiBo. I’ve had that on preorder @ RS for literally years now. I wonder if anyone has asked them if they will.

Re: Yosuga no Sora

The discs are authored, packaging done and just waiting on credits. These babies are going out!

Media Blasters FB Page
So many, starting to see them in my sleep. The new SRW Collection that you will be finding at Best Buy soon with corrected Disc 5.
June 18, 2015


Media Blasters FB Page
June 28, 2015

Just so everyone knows the replacement DVDs for both Super Robot Wars and Koe De Ashigoto have shipped.

You still have time to send in your bad discs for replacements!

Hi Everyone,

We have seen the posts about the faulty discs of Yosuga No Sora and have looked into the issue immediately. I will give Wilson Mowies lots of credit!

We had to go frame by frame but yes there is one flash frame of Japanese credits in the omake. Exactly 1. That is amazing that he caught it cause we could only catch it after going frame by frame in the program. Our QC company was impressed and may contact him for extra work cause you would have to have amazing eye awareness to catch it. If you are not starring you will miss it or going frame by frame.

Cause now we have a DVD on Demand Server here we are correcting it and let you guys know how to exchange if the flash frame is an issue for anyone. Just one of the many advantages of using a DVD on Demand System as we are not stuck with thousands of these with this issue now.

Also we are now printing a new batch of sleeves and will be putting a more clear explanation of the run times and stating that this is DVD-R product as we did with Holy Knight. Last we are taking a look at doing the encode at higher bandwidth to see any significant difference in quality.

One frame, pretty amazing you folks look at these shows that intently. Good work to everyone. We will keep you all updated.

Well, at least it wasn’t like Fight Club:wink:

Nice of Media Blasters to tackle the issue. I wonder how a single frame of credits managed to appear in the midst of an omake though.

Media Blasters Facebook Page

The biggest concern for me is that I simply cannot get my head around officially licensed product being sold for hard earned cash on DVD-R. As in, I really feel like I must be missing something here. I equate anime on DVD-R with bootleg quality.

If I spend my money on anime in today’s financial climate, I really do expect it to be on media that doesn’t have such notorious lifespan issues. I’d like to be able to dig out my DVDs and watch them again in a few years confident that they won’t have corrupted - and without that assurance, I’m not laying my money down for product.

I REALLY hope there’s something I’m missing here.

I understand what you are saying but I have to disagree with your conclusion that DVD-R has a short life span. It all depends on the DVD-R media and the burner.

I believe people think we are using a tower and inkjet printer that you could find online. We are using industrial grade, thermal printing machines that are used by the studios. The difference in print and burn quality can not be compared. The cost of our DVD-Rs are much higher and higher in quality than pressed discs. Pressed discs cost about 10 cents or so each while we pay closer to 40 cents each for higher grade on DVD 5 side now on the DVD 9 we are buying verbatim top lime that can go up to about 80 cents or more each while the pressed DVD 9s are going for may be 25 cents.

But honestly this is not the reason you buy the DVD is cause of the media, it is cause of the transfer being used. A 1080p broadcast burned BD of a show will never look as good or sharp as a BD burned from the original source. You buy from the publisher cause you are getting from the quality, not the media.

Not to mention all the other stuff I mentioned earlier of print quality.