Media Missing

  1. What kind of device: iTouch/ iPod Touch 4th gen.
  2. Version of device: iPod touch 4th Gen White.
  3. iOS Version: 5.1.1
  4. Connection type: WiFi.
  5. Are you using the App or Safari? I’m using the APP
  6. I watch 2 episodes and then when I move on to part 3 of the show it doesn’t load. It says Missing Media… It happens to all of them.
  7. ^ I explained. So I really need this to get fix because I paid 1 Year which is a lot of money you guys charge. Well anyways I need it fix that’s all forget about the money.

Better Slowhand??

Please stop making new threads.

You need to post in the thread I keep linking you to. That’s why I keep locking your other threads. And I have already explained to you why you are getting that error.

We’ve have sent in a fix to Apple, Apple has to approve it and then it’s up to them to apply it.

It’s completely out of our hands.