Hello I know I am a new memeber and all but for some reason the online player. says my ip adress has been rejected cause i’m not within region etc. please help. annienut09:(
Do you live in the United States? If so what state?
Yes I do live in the United states. the state is Ohio.
We have been having a few problems with this…
When the guys come in on Monday, we’ll let them know, hopefully this won’t be a problem too much longer.
Ty.So I take it you have all my info correct do u need my ip. what does all that reject notice mean anyway? I thought maybe I broke an internet rule or something:unsure: annienut09
When it’s working correctly, it just keeps people from out of the country from seeing the content.
You didn’t do anything wrong.
And, since you put your zip code in your profile, we don’t need anything else from you. :silly:
Cool super be checking in later on Monday ty.
I’m having a problem with the player too. It’s not rejecting my IP. It just wont play anything. It acts like it’s loading the video and then just hangs there. What gives?
BTW: It wont even load a commercial. I just get this pretty white spinning thing in the middle of the box.
A little more info. I finally got bored enough to just let the little white spinning thing keep going. It took a good 5 minutes but then it came up and told me it could not find the video stream. It’s almost like the streaming server is not there any more.
Rhade wrote:
[quote]I’m having a problem with the player too. It’s not rejecting my IP. It just wont play anything. It acts like it’s loading the video and then just hangs there. What gives?
BTW: It wont even load a commercial. I just get this pretty white spinning thing in the middle of the box.
A little more info. I finally got bored enough to just let the little white spinning thing keep going. It took a good 5 minutes but then it came up and told me it could not find the video stream. It’s almost like the streaming server is not there any more.[/quote]
I’m having the same problem. Hope it will be fixed next week. I really want to see Chance Pop Session. Only got to see part of episode one before I started having problems.
Hi Slowhand I just thought I let u know It still won’t let me watch anything on player,say i still rejected lol.it is 4:22pm ohio time Do u have a rough guess when it maybe up and running ty.annienut09
yeah I am having trouble today too… Its not finding the stream… are they doing maintenance or something?
They were working on some back end stuff, it should be working now. I just tested it and everything I tried worked without problems. If there are continuing problems… read below.
We don’t need a million threads of these when we have one: AN Online Player Discussion/Issues thread
. I will be closing this thread, please post in the above linked thread.