Paid Free Trial?

Hopefully someone can assist me with my situation. I subscribed to The Anime Network (Monthly US $6.95) on January 6th 2013. On the confirmation email I received and under my account was a stated start date of 2013-01-21, which I took to mean that first possible date when I would be charged. However, I checked my bank account on January 7th and to my surprise was a charge for The Anime Network. i initially didn’t think much of the charge since I thought they were just testing to make sure the payment method was working. Yet, as of January 16th this charge is still on my account. I have already contacted subscriptions (at) theanimenetwork (dot) com with all the necessary information (username, billing name, etc.) but that was on January 8th and have yet to receive a response either via email or private message. I have also tried the subscriptions thread on the forums on January 11th 2013 but also received no response.

Subscriptions has received your email and are processing it.

I was just wondering how long this process takes because on the 9th of February I have a payment to make and I want to know whether I would receive a refund before that time or after. I would appreciate it if it was before, being that it was originally a “free” trial, but if not well you win some and lose some right.